Bridgepoint to Reinvest in Kyriba, Alongside New Minority Investor, General Atlantic
Bridgepoint, one of the world's leading quoted private asset growth investors, and Kyriba, the global leader in liquidity performance, today announced that Bridgepoint will reinvest in Kyriba following a period of record growth for the business and will remain the majority shareholder. In addition, Bridgepoint and Kyriba will welcome a new minority investor, General Atlantic, a leading global growth investor.
The transaction, which values the company at over $3 billion, is expected to close in Q4 2024, and financial terms beyond this were not disclosed.
Following five years of support from Bridgepoint, Kyriba has grown substantially in this period, tripling its software revenue and evolving from a pioneer in treasury management to the leader in liquidity performance solutions. Today, Kyriba serves close to 3,000 customers in 170 countries.
With a significant investment from its latest flagship fund, Bridgepoint will support Kyriba’s next phase of growth and mission to provide best-in-class liquidity performance solutions to companies around the world looking to navigate increasing volatility.
Partnering with General Atlantic brings additional deep technological and operational expertise to the business.
Kyriba, Bridgepoint and General Atlantic share a collective ambition to reinforce Kyriba’s market leadership, while delivering gold standard cloud treasury and liquidity performance solutions for CFOs, treasurers, and finance teams, to help them connect, protect, forecast and optimize their liquidity, as well as create value for investors and an incredible place to work for Kyriba’s people.
Kyriba Chair and CEO Melissa Di Donato said: “With Bridgepoint as a trusted partner, we’ve achieved significant growth and strengthened our leadership in liquidity performance. We’re excited to continue our journey with Bridgepoint and now also General Atlantic. Together, we will accelerate our investment in technology and talent, creating innovation that we know our customers will need in the future. This marks the beginning of a new era for Kyriba as we consolidate our position as the leader in liquidity performance, grow our business and expand our market share.”
David Nicault, Partner and Global Head of Tech Investment at Bridgepoint, said: “Our journey with Kyriba has been quite remarkable. It began five years ago with our partnership with Kyriba’s founder, Jean-Luc Robert, to support the company’s transition into the clear leader in liquidity performance solutions. We’re excited to continue working with Melissa Di Donato and her team and welcome General Atlantic. With an addressable market of $15 billion for enterprise liquidity performance and significant white space, the growth opportunities ahead are vast, and we look forward to supporting Kyriba as it reaches new heights.”
Gabriel Caillaux, Co-President and Head of EMEA at General Atlantic, said: “We view Kyriba as a category leader providing comprehensive liquidity performance solutions to CFOs at a time when their functions continue to expand in scope and depth. We look forward to partnering with Melissa, the Kyriba management team and Bridgepoint to support the company in driving further product range innovation and business growth in what is a large and durable market.”
About Kyriba
Kyriba is a global leader in liquidity performance that empowers CFOs, Treasurers and IT leaders to connect, protect, forecast and optimize their liquidity. As a secure and scalable SaaS solution, Kyriba brings intelligence and financial automation that enables companies and banks of all sizes to improve their financial performance and increase operational efficiency. Kyriba’s real-time data and AI-empowered tools empower its close to 3,000 customers worldwide to quantify exposures, project cash and liquidity, and take action to protect balance sheets, income statements and cash flows. Kyriba manages more than 3 billion bank transactions and $15 trillion in payments across multiple banks annually and gives customers complete visibility and actionability, so they can optimize and fully harness liquidity across the enterprise and outperform their business strategy. For more information, visit
About Bridgepoint
Bridgepoint Group plc is one of the world's leading quoted private asset growth investors, specialising in private equity, infrastructure and private credit.
With over €67bn ($72bn) of assets under management and a strong local presence in Europe, North America and Asia, we combine global scale with local market insight and sector expertise, consistently delivering strong returns through cycles.
About General Atlantic
General Atlantic is a leading global growth investor with more than four decades of experience providing capital and strategic support for over 520 growth companies throughout its history. Established in 1980, General Atlantic continues to be the dedicated partner to visionary founders and investors seeking to build dynamic businesses and create long-term value. Guided by the conviction that entrepreneurs can be incredible agents of transformational change, the firm combines a collaborative global approach, sector-specific expertise, a long-term investment horizon, and a deep understanding of growth drivers to partner with and scale innovative businesses around the world. The firm leverages its patient capital, operational expertise, and global platform to support a diversified investment platform spanning Growth Equity, Credit, Climate, and Sustainable Infrastructure strategies. General Atlantic manages approximately $97 billion in assets under management, inclusive of all strategies, as of October 1, 2024 (based on valuations as of June 30, 2024), with more than 900 professionals in 20 countries across five regions. For more information on General Atlantic, please visit:
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