Articul8 AI Signs Strategic Collaboration Agreement with AWS to Deliver Generative AI Solutions to E
SANTA CLARA, Calif., Oct. 16, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - Articul8 AI (Articul8), a Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) enterprise software company, announced today that it has signed a strategic collaboration agreement (SCA) with Amazon Web Services (AWS), with plans to help customers accelerate the development and deployment of GenAI applications in production on AWS.
While there has been strong overall interest in GenAI technologies, enterprises are still facing several challenges going from proof-of-concept (PoC) GenAI projects to production-scale deployments. Key concerns include the complexity of data management, shortage of specialized talent, unpredictable long-term costs, ethics & governance, performance & reliability at scale, and complexity of deployment across multiple tools and technology stacks. Articul8's full-stack GenAI platform provides an out-of-the-box (OOTB) offering that is integrated and optimized across the various components and layers of the GenAI stack. By providing ready-to-consume application programming interfaces (APIs) and abstracting the complexity of building GenAI applications, Articul8 helps customers accelerate their development cycles and time to outcomes. In addition, Articul8's GenAI platform has no external dependencies and is deployed and managed in the customer's own virtual private cloud (VPC), giving customers full control over their data, access policies, and other information security rules and regulations.
“Articul8's autonomous GenAI software platform allows customers to rapidly build, deploy, and manage expert-level, production-grade GenAI applications on AWS. Customers can also develop enterprise-specific models using their own proprietary data. All of this happens in a secure environment within their own VPC, and no data ever leaves the company environment,” said Gautam Subbarao, Head of Product & Commercial, at Articul8. “We look forward to expanding our collaboration with AWS and jointly helping customers leverage GenAI-based technologies to solve problems that are core to transforming their businesses.”
Franklin Templeton, a global investment management organization, intends to leverage the transformative potential of GenAI across the asset management value chain and is investing in targeted GenAI strategies in its businesses while firmly aligning with the firm's standards for responsible and ethical use of AI technologies. Using Articul8's GenAI platform on AWS, Franklin Templeton is building autonomous and multi-modal GenAI applications and workflows.
“Artificial Intelligence (AI) is not a single capability, and organizations must effectively create an intelligent system using their own data that also integrates with existing workflows and represents their organizational value proposition,” said Vasundhara Chetluru, Head of AI Platform at Franklin Templeton. “Our design philosophy aligns well with Articul8's full-stack GenAI platform solution and their ability to help customers rapidly develop and deploy domain/enterprise-specific GenAI models and applications. We look forward to continuing our collaboration with the Articul8 AI team.”
“Generative AI has the potential to transform entire industries, but its cost, complexity of deployment, and the required expertise around this emerging technology can be intimidating to customers,” said Alan Braun, Director, Technology Partnerships at AWS. “This Strategic Collaboration Agreement with Articul8 will expand their ability to provide solutions that enable customers to build and deploy enterprise-grade Generative AI applications on AWS and help customers achieve meaningful business outcomes at scale.”
This collaboration underscores the value of Articul8 and AWS to provide flexibility and unlock greater business value for customers across industries. For more information please visit:
About Articul8 - Articul8 AI is a Generative AI (“GenAI”) enterprise software company focused on helping organizations solve the world's toughest problems. Articul8's full-stack, vertically-optimized GenAI software platform is the fastest way to build, deploy and manage sophisticated, secure, and scalable enterprise-grade GenAI applications rapidly and cost-effectively. Articul8's proprietary GenAI technologies are infrastructure and hardware-agnostic and deliver lasting business value by transforming customer data into actionable insights. Our team of industry veterans and AI experts have a heritage of successfully operationalizing and deploying AI at scale across a variety of mission-critical applications and industries.
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