Nikkiso Clean Energy & Industrial Gases Group and SunLine Transit Agency Celebrate New Hydrogen
TEMECULA, Calif., Oct. 16, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - Nikkiso Clean Energy & Industrial Gases (CE&IG) Group and SunLine Transit Agency recently celebrated the opening of a new liquid-hydrogen-based fueling station in Thousand Palms, California. This state-of-the-art transit fueling station represents a significant expansion of California's hydrogen infrastructure, bringing a cleaner, more efficient fueling solution to the region. Today, the hydrogen station can fuel SunLine Transit's current fleet of 32 hydrogen fuel cell buses — that number will grow as more of SunLines's fleet transitions to zero emissions.
“Partnering with SunLine Transit Agency supports critical infrastructure needed in California to advance the hydrogen economy,” said Adrian Ridge, President and CEO of Nikkiso CE&IG. “With Nikkiso's experience and advanced equipment, SunLine's station will be considered the gold standard for modern hydrogen fueling station design, providing a blueprint for other transit hubs transitioning to or adding hydrogen fueling options.”
“This project is an expansion of our existing partnership with SunLine that began a few years ago when we completed a compressed natural gas station in Thousand Palms,” said Mike Mackey, President of Nikkiso CE&IG Fueling and Solutions. “Through that project we forged a strong relationship that led to the opportunity of delivering SunLine's new hydrogen station. We look forward to working together for years to come as they fully transition to a zero-emissions fleet.”
Nikkiso's market-leading hydrogen fueling stations provide 24/7 hydrogen fueling capability to help keep SunLine's buses in the Coachella Valley region on schedule. The facility's high-performance, dual-hose dispensers meet H35 and H70 fueling protocols, and can fuel a bus in less than 10 minutes. The station is also capable of unlimited back-to-back fueling.
“As the only public transportation provider in the Coachella Valley region, we are committed to bringing zero-emission transportation to the three million passengers we serve annually,” said Mona Babauta, CEO/General Manager at SunLine Transit Agency. “This station represents a significant milestone on our journey to convert our entire fleet to hydrogen fuel cell buses for the benefit of our customers, our community, and the planet.”
SunLine Transit plans to open a third dual-hose dispensing unit for public use in the next few weeks — making clean hydrogen fuel accessible to private and commercial vehicles in the region and driving further adoption of low-carbon technologies. The station's strategic position between Los Angeles and Phoenix lends itself to long-distance routes, allowing cars and long-haul trucks and buses traveling through the region to expand their current range.
Key facts about Nikkiso's hydrogen fueling solutions
- Nikkiso began designing, manufacturing, installing, and servicing hydrogen stations in 2002
- In 2025, Nikkiso will have delivered more than 35 permanent, turnkey hydrogen stations around the world
- Nikkiso's permanent, turnkey stations can have up to eight lanes dispensing up to 2,000kg of hydrogen per hour
About Nikkiso Clean Energy & Industrial Gases Group
The Nikkiso Clean Energy & Industrial Gases Group is a leading provider of cryogenic equipment, technologies and applications for clean energy and industrial gas market segments. The Group employs more than 1,800 people in 14 countries and is headed by Cryogenic Industries, Inc., which is a wholly owned subsidiary of Nikkiso Co., Ltd. (TSE: 6376).
To learn more about Nikkiso CE&IG visit
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About SunLine Transit Agency
SunLine provides public transit services in California's Coachella Valley spanning 1,120 mile-service area and carrying approximately 3 million riders. It has pioneered zero-emission bus deployments, particularly for hydrogen fuel cell electric buses (FCEB). In 1993, SunLine's Board adopted a voluntary policy of pursuing alternative fuel solutions that provide the lowest possible emissions, which led to SunLine becoming the first transit agency in the state to convert its entire fleet to compressed natural gas (CNG). SunLine is committed to transitioning its entire bus fleet to zero-emission by 2035.
To learn more about SunLine Transit Agency's services and policies, visit
A photo accompanying this announcement is available at
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