FPT Eyes $1 Billion Brand Value Amid Rapid International Growth
HANOI, Vietnam -- (BUSINESS WIRE) --
FPT, an Asia-leading technology firm, has seen its brand value soar 67% this year, approaching the $1 billion mark, according to Brand Finance, the independent brand valuation consultancy based in London.
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Alex Haigh, Managing Director of Brand Finance Asia Pacific, noted that FPT has not only increased its brand value but also boosted its Brand Strength Index (BSI) score to 86.9 out of 100, placing it among Vietnam’s five strongest brands. “FPT’s reputation and status as a trusted brand are key factors driving its success,” Haigh said. “Its embrace of advanced technologies and its strong global presence have secured its leadership on the international stage.”
The BSI evaluates brands across key performance metrics, including awareness, loyalty, and market share, with FPT’s score reflecting its growing influence in global markets. Brand Finance’s assessment draws on feedback from more than 100,000 individuals worldwide, including over 25,000 in the Asia-Pacific region, combined with financial data to capture both short-term performance and long-term growth potential.
FPT’s rise comes amid the dominance of technology companies in global brand rankings. Five tech giants, including Apple, Microsoft, and Google, topped Brand Finance’s list of the most valuable brands globally. In the Kantar rankings, seven of the top 10 brands were also technology firms.
FPT’s financial strength mirrors its brand growth. Over the past three years, the company has maintained a return on equity exceeding 25%. As of October 2024, FPT’s market capitalization stood at $8.4 billion. The company has projected revenues of $2.6 billion and pre-tax profits of $456 million for 2024, an 18% year-on-year increase.
This performance has been driven by significant global contracts, reflecting growing demand for technology services. For the past 36 years, FPT has led Vietnam’s tech sector, embracing global trends and contributing to the country’s economic development. In 2023, after 25 years of globalization, FPT reached a milestone, surpassing $1 billion in IT service revenue from foreign markets, joining the ranks of global billion-dollar IT service firms.
About half of that revenue came from digital transformation services, with the company expanding its footprint in key markets. New offices have recently opened in Germany, Sweden, Japan, India, and South Korea, creating new opportunities across industries like healthcare, automotive, manufacturing, and finance. FPT is also pushing into green transformation, a key growth sector.
Speaking at a recent conference, Tran Thi Kim Phuong, FPT Software Ho Chi Minh City Branch’s Director, credited the company’s success to three factors: strong client partnerships, top-tier talent acquisition, and a commitment to cutting-edge technologies.
As FPT continues its global expansion, the company aims to elevate Vietnam as a global hub for artificial intelligence and semiconductors. It is targeting $5 billion in IT service revenue from foreign markets by 2030, with investments concentrated in AI, semiconductors, automotive software, digital transformation, and green technology.
About FPT Corporation
FPT Corporation (FPT) is a globally leading technology and IT services provider headquartered in Vietnam. FPT operates in three core sectors: Technology, Telecommunications, and Education. During over three decades of development, FPT has constantly provided practical and effective products to millions of people and tens of thousands of business and non-business organizations worldwide, establishing Vietnam’s position on the global tech map. Keeping up with the latest market trends and emerging technologies, FPT has developed the Made-by-FPT ecosystem of services, products, solutions, and platforms, which enables sustainable growth for organizations and businesses and offers distinctive experiences to customers. In 2023, FPT recorded a total revenue of USD 2.17 billion and 48,000+ employees. For more information, please visit https://fpt.com/en.
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