FPT Software's Multi-Million Dollar Investment in Employee Learning and Development
HANOI, Vietnam -- (BUSINESS WIRE) --
FPT Software is reinforcing its global competitiveness by embedding a culture of continuous learning within its workforce. Through strategic partnerships with renowned global learning platforms, including Mila, Udacity, Coursera, Udemy, and the British Council, the company ensures that upskilling and professional growth are central to its operations.
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On average, each staff member completes 31.7 hours of intensive training annually, providing the company with a competitive advantage in the international market. With over 3 million training hours delivered each year, these programs ensure employees consistently enhance their skills and advance their professional development.
Since 2021, FPT Software has partnered with Udacity, a globally recognized online learning platform. In 2022, the company further deepened this partnership by investing an additional $6 million, aimed at enhancing its workforce’s skills in critical fields such as Data Science, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Cloud Computing, the Internet of Things (IoT), Blockchain, and Security. These investments are part of a broader strategy to equip the company’s 30,000-plus employees with state-of-the-art knowledge and industry certifications. Flagship campaigns like "20,000 Certificates" and "PMI-555," focusing on project management certification, provide employees with ample opportunities to further develop their expertise.
One of FPT Software's most significant capacity-building efforts is the CMM-4 campaign, aimed at maintaining top-quality management standards. The Capability Maturity Model (CMM), awarded by the U.S. Department of Defense-funded Software Engineering Institute (SEI), evaluates a company’s ability to manage software projects with data-backed precision. This recognition positioned the company among the top 100 global firms in quality management, giving it a distinct advantage in the competitive global software market.
FPT Software continues to emphasize excellence in project management by investing in globally recognized certifications like Project Management Professional (PMP) and Project Management Institute (PMI) credentials. Through its collaboration with PMI, the company integrates international standards into its training programs, ensuring that its project management teams are well-equipped to handle the complexity of the hundreds of projects it undertakes each year. This focus helps streamline collaboration between development teams and clients, enhancing efficiency and project outcomes.
Chairwoman Chu Thị Thanh Hà has underscored that the foundation of a world-class company is its people. “Continuous learning and training are the key factors that define the FPT Software employee,” she said. “We will continue to support and accompany our employees, offering them opportunities to learn the latest technologies, gain experience from world-class projects, and follow a clear career path that encourages long-term commitment and job satisfaction.”
FPT Software's dedication to talent development extends beyond its internal staff. The company has made substantial investments in university partnerships both in Vietnam and internationally, aimed at nurturing the next generation of tech talent. Recently, it allocated $5 million to a program aimed at training Vietnamese technology students in Japanese, a key part of its collaboration with 15 IT universities in Vietnam, reflecting FPT Software's growing focus on the Japanese market.
In the Philippines, a market known for its rich IT talent, FPT Software has established partnerships with top universities, including the University of the Philippines and the Technological University of the Philippines, etc. These collaborations provide students with hands-on learning opportunities, bridging the gap between academic knowledge and practical application. Interactive sessions with FPT Software experts have become a highlight, allowing students to engage in discussions, propose innovative ideas, and deepen their understanding of cutting-edge technologies.
According to FPT Software representatives in the Philippines, these sessions foster a two-way exchange of knowledge that benefits both students and experts alike. By facilitating this dialogue, the company aims to bridge the divide between theory and real-world application, helping shape the next generation of IT professionals.
About FPT Software
FPT Software, a subsidiary of FPT Corporation, is a global technology and IT services provider headquartered in Vietnam, with $1 billion in revenue (2023) and over 30,000 employees in 30 countries.
The company champions complex business opportunities and challenges with its world-class services in Advanced Analytics, AI, Digital Platforms, Cloud, Hyperautomation, IoT, Low-code, and so on. It has partnered with over 1,100 clients worldwide, nearly 100 of which are Fortune Global 500 companies in Aviation, Automotive, Banking, Financial Services and Insurance, Healthcare, Logistics, Manufacturing, Utilities, and more.
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