Capsa Healthcare Announces New Interface to EMIS ProScript Connect for RoboWall Prescription Pickup
COLUMBUS, Ohio, Oct. 17, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - Capsa Healthcare, a leading provider of central fill and medication management solutions, today announced the new, seamless integration of its RoboWall prescription retrieval kiosk system with EMIS ProScript Connect, a leading United Kingdom pharmacy patient medication record (PMR) software. This milestone underscores Capsa Healthcare's dedication to enhancing medication delivery efficiency and patient care worldwide.
A Media Snippet accompanying this announcement is available by clicking on this link.
RoboWall, part of Capsa Healthcare's RoboPharma pharmacy automation group, is a fully automated prescription pickup center designed to give pharmacies unparalleled convenience for around-the-clock prescription retrieval. The new integration gives thousands of community pharmacies across the UK operating EMIS’ ProScript Connect access to RoboWall's business-changing potential. The RoboWall Application Programming Interface (API) seamlessly integrates with ProScript Connect, eliminating additional steps for pharmacy staff to complete and store filled orders for patient pickup. Pharmacies now have a comprehensive solution for prescription management, enabling patients to retrieve medications according to their preferences, day or night. RoboWall's efficiency saves time and labor for pharmacy staff, and also reduces congestion during peak hours, resulting in shorter wait times and better customer satisfaction.
Oriol Orti, Business Development Director for Capsa Healthcare's RoboPharma group, commented on the significance of the integration. "We are thrilled with the successful completion of RoboWall's integration with EMIS ProScript Connect as it provides our United Kingdom-based pharmacy customers with even more patient-centric technology options,” Orti stated. “Customers will choose the pharmacy that caters to their preferences, and RoboWall delivers precisely that."
Earlier this week at The Pharmacy Show in Birmingham, England, RoboWall received tremendous reception among UK-based pharmacies operating ProScript Connect. These pharmacies anticipate a seamless implementation and installation process starting in mid-Q4, satisfying a growing market demand for more customer-accommodating solutions.
About Capsa Healthcare and RoboPharma:
Across the healthcare continuum, Capsa stands out as the leader in purposefully designed, integrated solutions for pharmacy automation, medication management, and point-of-care technologies. Capsa’s RoboPharma group delivers custom-engineered pharmacy automation systems for central fill, mail order, hospital and retail pharmacies. Capsa has partnered with healthcare providers for more than 60 years to engineer innovative answers for complex challenges. Capsa’s solutions optimize workflows, streamline repetitive tasks, and improve clinical efficiency. From automating pharmacy operations to enhancing patient engagement, Capsa is engineering a path to better care.
Media Contact:
Mike Stotz, Senior Marketing Manager
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