Bipsync and Dasseti Partner to Streamline Research and Due Diligence Processes for Investment Manage
Asset managers and allocators gain a competitive edge with data collection and research management solutions from Bipsync and Dasseti
NEW YORK, Oct. 17, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - Bipsync, a premier research and workflow management platform, and Dasseti, a leading provider of custom data collection solutions, today announced a strategic partnership that should integrate their services to facilitate how investment and operations professionals collect data and conduct investment research. This collaboration empowers mutual LP and GP clients to streamline their investment processes by incorporating collected data, documents, and DDQ responses from Dasseti's platform into their proprietary research and workflows in Bipsync to drive better investment decisions.
By combining Dasseti's advanced data collection and extraction capabilities with Bipsync's robust research management platform, investment offices can eliminate operational silos, reduce manual processes, and gain timely insights.
Benefits of the partnership include:
- Automated Data Collection and Extraction: Users can effortlessly distribute custom due diligence questionnaires with data and file requests at scale, then data from responses can be extracted into Bipsync, saving time and reducing errors.
- Enhanced Investment Research: Users can overlay investment and research contexts from Bipsync, such as notes and interactions, alongside Dasseti's database of DDQ/RFP responses for a consolidated view into the due diligence process.
- Improved Operational Efficiency: Leveraging the Bipsync Rules Engine for alerts and notifications, data collected from Dasseti can trigger workflows in Bipsync to automate repeatable tasks, allowing investment teams to focus on strategic decision-making.
- Optimized ESG workflows: By incorporating ESG metrics collected from Dasseti into the research and diligence process in Bipsync, users can benefit from a richer view of ESG considerations throughout the investment lifecycle.
"Asset allocators and managers need complementary solutions that enhance efficiency and data accuracy," said Wissem Souissi, CEO of Dasseti. "Our partnership with Bipsync will help users streamline data collection and enrich research capabilities, enabling them to make better-informed investment decisions faster."
"We are excited to offer our clients the powerful combination of Dasseti's custom data collection with Bipsync's research management solutions," said Drake Paulson, Chief Operating Officer of Bipsync. "This partnership not only accelerates the data-to-insight journey but also empowers investment offices to stay ahead in a competitive market by acting swiftly on accurate, comprehensive information."
To learn more about the partnership, get in touch with us at
About Bipsync
Bipsync is a leading provider of research and workflow management solutions purpose-built for investment management. We use modern technologies, agile processes, and user-centered design to drive speed, agility, quality, and efficiency into our clients' processes to drive better decisions, faster. Bipsync clients span the entire investment management industry across asset class, strategy and size. The world's largest allocators right through to pre-launch fund managers rely on Bipsync as a single system of record and modern productivity environment to help them power their unique investment processes and drive operational excellence. Learn more at
About Dasseti
Dasseti is a leading provider of customizable data collection solutions for asset allocators and investment professionals. Dasseti's platform enables users to design, distribute, and manage bespoke questionnaires and data requests, efficiently collect and analyze responses, and streamline data workflows. With a focus on innovation and user-centric design, Dasseti empowers financial professionals to gather and analyze data effectively, supporting better investment decisions. For more information, visit
Media Contacts
Chau Mai
Fiona Sherwood
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