Newest Micetro release unifies network infrastructure management with support for Cisco Meraki
Organizations can optimize their SD-WAN environments by centralizing DHCP for cloud-based applications and remote locations
TORONTO, Oct. 17, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - BlueCat Networks, a leading provider of core services for network infrastructure management, automation, and security, announced the latest release of Micetro, its industry-recognized DNS, DHCP, and IP address management orchestration solution. This release offers organizations with Cisco Meraki deployments a powerful new way to manage and monitor DHCP within their SD-WAN environments.
DNS, DHCP, and IP address management (collectively known as DDI) are the cornerstones of network modernization. Together, they ensure that users can access network resources and applications from anywhere and on any device–whether on premises or from any cloud.
This release extends Micetro's capabilities by seamlessly consuming and managing DHCP configurations from Meraki devices. This integration provides agnostic and centralized DHCP orchestration and visibility across the cloud, corporate networks, and remote offices enabled by SD-WAN. By orchestrating DHCP configurations from Meraki, organizations get improved visibility into their IP space. It also provides network teams with even more granular role-based access controls. This helps network teams deliver and scale Meraki DHCP across branch locations.
“Micetro helps organizations improve transparency with a single source of truth, enhances security, and automates core network services, reducing network conflicts and outages,” said Scott Fulton, Chief Product and Technology Officer at BlueCat. “We're seeking to expand our cloud-connected networking support across additional platforms and to support enterprises looking to reap the benefits of network modernization.”
Micetro is available for deployment in any on premises, hybrid, or multicloud network environment. Its intuitive user interface and API make it easy for IT teams to manage and automate their network infrastructure operations. This release also features extended language support, a crucial function for global organizations with diverse linguistic needs.
Visit our website to learn more about Micetro's unified DDI orchestration.
About BlueCat
BlueCat provides core services and solutions that help our customers, and their teams, deliver change-ready networks. With BlueCat, organizations can build reliable, secure, and agile mission-critical networks that can support network modernization initiatives such as cloud adoption, SD-WAN, SASE and automation of key network provisioning and administration tasks. BlueCat's growing portfolio includes services and solutions for automated and unified DDI management, network security, multi-cloud management, network observability, performance management and health. BlueCat's DDI management platform was recognized as a market leader and outperformer in GigaOm's 2024 Radar reports. The company is headquartered in Toronto and New York and has additional offices in Germany, Iceland, Japan, Singapore, Serbia, and the United Kingdom. Learn more at
Pierre Hamilton
Senior Manager, Corporate Communications
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