Nearfield Instruments Receives Purchase Order for QUADRA High-Throughput Metrology System from Leadi
ROTTERDAM, The Netherlands, Oct. 20, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Nearfield Instruments, a leading innovator in advanced process control metrology solutions, is proud to announce the receipt of a purchase order for its flagship QUADRA High-Throughput Process Control Metrology product. The order, secured after an intensive supplier selection process, was placed by a prominent semiconductor manufacturer in East Asia, further strengthening Nearfield Instruments’ presence in this technologically advanced region.
The QUADRA system was selected following a competitive evaluation process, where it outperformed alternative metrology solutions in several key areas critical to advanced semiconductor manufacturing. The decision was driven by the following decisive factors:
- Direct Correlation to Device Yield: Extensive testing of QUADRA demonstrated a direct correlation between its measurement results and device yield (via E-test), a critical consideration for the customer’s high-performance semiconductor fabrication processes.
- Non-Destructive Measurement Capability: The QUADRA system stood out for its ability to conduct accurate, non-destructive measurements. After rigorous testing, QUADRA proved its reliability, showing no impact on the integrity of sensitive semiconductor components even under the most demanding conditions.
- Superior Throughput with Stability and Accuracy: QUADRA’s ability to deliver high throughput without compromising on accuracy and stability was a significant differentiator. The system’s superior speed, paired with precision, enables manufacturers to maintain peak production efficiency while ensuring stringent quality control.
- Outstanding Customer Support and Responsiveness: Nearfield Instruments’ reputation for exceptional customer support and responsiveness was a major contributing factor in the customer's decision. The company’s commitment to providing continuous support throughout the evaluation and decision-making process was highly valued by the customer.
This strategic win marks a significant step in Nearfield Instruments' ongoing expansion in East Asia. It reflects the growing recognition of QUADRA’s industry-leading capabilities in process control metrology, reinforcing the system’s role in driving mass production yield and quality for advanced semiconductor manufacturing.
"We are pleased to receive this important order from yet another highly respected semiconductor manufacturer in East Asia," said Hamed Sadeghian, CEO of Nearfield Instruments. "It underscores the confidence our customers have in the QUADRA system’s ability to meet the demands of next-generation semiconductor fabrication, as well as the strength of our customer service and support. As semiconductor production processes become increasingly complex, Nearfield Instruments remains committed to delivering cutting-edge metrology systems that address the evolving challenges faced by manufacturers worldwide."
About Nearfield Instruments
Nearfield Instruments is bridging the semiconductor industry’s metrology and inspection challenges with in-line, non-destructive process control nanometrology solutions for advanced 3D memory and logic devices. Their groundbreaking technology combines high-resolution with high-throughput, essential for the production of advanced semiconductor nodes. Nearfield is headquartered in Rotterdam with offices in Eindhoven, The Netherlands and Pyeongtaek, South Korea.
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Media Contact
Roland van Vliet
Chief Partnership Officer
Nearfield Instruments B.V.
Telephone: +31620369741
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