At the Yacht Club de Monaco everything’s ready for the 2024 Optimist European Team Racing Championsh
MONACO, Oct. 21, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Another day of tight races for the young sailors competing in the 2024 Optimist European Team Racing Championship in Monaco. Having completed the Gold Round and the Silver Round, the participants are now facing semi-finals and finals, scheduled for Saturday. With 42 out of the 56 scheduled races disputed, the Turks dominated the rankings, and they will have to remain vigilant against the Greeks, who have made a spectacular comeback. Only the top four teams will then remain in the running for the semi-finals, then the final.
Already loaded with 19 match victories since the start of the championship, the Turkish team continues its rise, getting closer to the European title by leading the competition with impressive skills. Thanks to fluid communication and impeccably controlled starts, the Turkish sailors form a well-oiled machine, seemingly unstoppable. On the other hand, the rest of the podium has experienced significant upheavals. The real surprise of the day came from the Greek team, which made a spectacular comeback to take provisional 2nd place. Behind them, the fight for 3rd place is among Italy, Poland and Spain. The Italian team nevertheless managed to stay in the race, occupying the 3rd place in the ranking.
Organized by the Yacht Club de Monaco under the aegis of the International Optimist Dinghy Association and World Sailing, in partnership with FxPro, Monaco Marine and Slam, the 2024 Optimist Team Racing European Championship is establishing itself as an unmissable event for the young generation of sailors. Sixteen countries are taking part in the race, including Italy, Spain, Greece, Turkey, Croatia, France, Ukraine, Israel and Monaco.
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