The Italian team wins the 2024 Optimist European Team Racing Championship in Monaco
MONACO, Oct. 21, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Italian team wins the 2024 Optimist European Team Racing Championship. Organised by the Yacht Club de Monaco under the aegis of the International Optimist Dinghy Association and World Sailing, in partnership with FxPro, Monaco Marine and Slam, the competition hosted 16 teams from 16 different countries granting four days of high level sailing and passionate team work. “This event highlights values that are dear to our club: team spirit and solidarity. The Italian team was a perfect example, with the young sailors working together to make the best decision to conquer the European title,” said YCM General Secretary Bernard d’Alessandri.
For four days, the 64 sailors divided into 16 teams from 16 nations offered a captivating spectacle, marked by ideal sailing conditions and intense confrontations. The Team Race format, at the heart of this competition, saw two teams of four young sailors face off in intense matches where strategy, communication and mastery of the rules were of the utmost importance. "It's not because you cross the finish line first that you're going to win. It depends on the whole team. They have to check everything, observe where all the other sailors are before crossing the finish line," explained Carmen Casco, IODA Vice-President Europe. From the semi-finals onwards, the teams showed an impressive level of commitment. After going it alone for the first few days, Turkey seemed well on its way to winning the title. However, the Italians were able to demonstrate exceptional tenacity, turning the tide in the final. This spectacular comeback shook the hierarchy in place. The Italians were able to exploit every opportunity, combining tactical strategy and excellent communication, to thwart the plans of the Turks, unbeaten until then. "We won this championship against a very strong Turkish team. We are happy because this is our sixth victory in the championship, and the third in a row. It is very difficult to achieve such a result, but we worked hard for it," noted Marcello Meringolo, coach of the Italian Optimist national team.
Although Turkey did not manage to finish on the highest step of the podium, their performance remains exemplary. They finished second, confirming their role as serious opponents throughout the championship. The Spanish team, for its part, showed consistency throughout the event, taking third place after a solid performance in the semi-final. In the Silver Round, the Monegasques were able to hold their own, finishing in a fine 4th place. A more than encouraging performance for the team, led by Océane Schroeder, Ludovica Bonelli, Facundo Rubinelli and Pietro Carlevaris. “I am sure that we will find again in the world of sailing the girls and boys that are racing today. We need to have new generations, new people to continue sharing the spirit of sailing,” added Oliver Campana, YCM deputy director.
The attention now turns to the upcoming events organized by the Yacht Club de Monaco, including the Grimaldi Trophy (Sanremo – Monaco – Sanremo) from October 25th to October 27th, a two-day regatta, which brings the summer season to an end, followed by the first act of the Monaco Sportsboat Winter Series starting November 7th until November 10th, which will bring together international crews.
For more information:
Press Office LaPresse -
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