XO Strengthens World's Largest Private Aviation Network and Boosts Instant Booking Options by O
- 55% more private jets available with instant booking options
- Even more preferred pricing on high-demand routes
- First-time flyers to earn flight credits when utilizing the instant booking platform

New York, October 21, 2024: XO, the private aviation network of the Vista group, announces major advancements in private aircraft booking on its platform.
Responding to this marked trend in client demand, XO has grown access to the number of jets available for instant booking by over 55% year-to-date and continues to grow this number — unlocking instantaneous options to fly between the most in-demand cities, including New York, Los Angeles, Las Vegas, Palm Springs, San Francisco, Dallas, London, and Nice. Clients can choose any aircraft type, from light jets to midsize, super-midsize, and above.
XO has secured its place in aviation history as the first to allow clients to book a private flight, in as little as 10 seconds. This revolutionary solution provides transparent pricing for a vast fleet of business aircraft, transforming what was once a complex and time-consuming process. The feature has proven incredibly successful – recording a 3X conversion rate compared to other digital booking solutions, and even higher when compared to traditional brokerages.
Booking a private aircraft traditionally required multi-day coordination across various locations, arranging bespoke aircraft, crew, catering, and ground transportation. Flyers were faced with endless back-and-forth communication and quotes that lacked price guarantees. Removing the complexities of private aviation, XO reduced the process from days to mere seconds and, with over 2.3M downloads of the XO app, it has one of the largest user bases in the world.
Its technology lets clients instantly book flights across the Vista Members’ fleet and a growing selection of top-tier operators. The XO alliance network offers access to over 2,100 hand-picked aircraft globally from operators known for their dedication to safety and service excellence.
XO has a reputation as one of the safest and most reliable platforms for booking private jets. It is safeguarded daily by mandating all partner operators to rigorous and recurring safety audits, ensuring they meet or exceed regulatory standards and are recognized with prestigious industry certifications.
The XO platform analyzes thousands of daily searches, identifying high-demand routes and making more flights available for instant booking, and at preferred rates. For example, clients can book a Learjet 45XR for a weekend getaway from Los Angeles to Las Vegas in seconds or secure a Gulfstream IV for a board meeting with eight colleagues with ease, transparency, and speed.
It’s not just about speed and value — as soon as the request is received, a robust Client Services team handles all flight details and communicates with the client.
"Our mission at XO has always been to deliver an unparalleled private aviation experience, and our newly enhanced 10-second booking system does just that," said Youssef Mouallem, Executive Vice President of International Sales at Vista. "By expanding the alliance fleet and leveraging our pioneering technology, we are simplifying the booking process, adding more flexibility, preferred pricing, and speed than ever before. Whether flying for leisure or business, the XO network is the fastest and most convenient way to fly privately to any destination in the world."
Getting to fly through XO is incredibly easy, as all flights can be requested via the XO app or at flyxo.com
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About XO
XO is part of Vista — the world’s leading global business aviation company, covering 96% of the world. Innovating the industry for over 20 years, Vista’s mission is to provide the most advanced flying services at the very best value, anytime, anywhere around the world.
As the world’s premiere private aviation network, XO offers access to one of the most extensive fleets in the industry from light jets to ultra-long-range aircraft including the unrivaled global Vista Members’ fleet.
XO can always provide the perfect plane for your chosen destination. Aviation experts and client services teams can be reached around the clock in all time zones to guide your choices and individually tailor each flight experience.
Booking through XO is flexible, efficient, and immediate with no required ownership or long-term commitment. Membership offers additional benefits.
More XO information and news at www.flyxo.com
XO Global LLC is not a direct air carrier and does not operate any aircraft. All flights will be operated by properly licensed U.S. or foreign air carriers. All services are subject to the terms and conditions available at flyxo.com/legal. Fla. Seller of Travel Ref. No. ST42114.
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