U.S. Department of Commerce Removes Sandvine from Entity List Following Company’s Democracy-Only Bus
Company’s next chapter underpinned by strengthened commitment to internet freedom and digital rights
Sandvine (“the Company”), a market-leading provider of Over-the-Top Application Classification and Quality of Experience solutions, today announced that the Company has been removed from the U.S. Department of Commerce’s Entity List. This action removes all previous Entity List restrictions. The Company’s removal from the Entity List recognizes our commitment to transparency, ethical business practices, and the protection of digital rights.
The Company is transitioning to a model where its technology will only be sold in democratic countries, and in connection with this realignment, the Company intends to reestablish itself as an industry trailblazer underscored by new ownership, leadership, and a reoriented business model dedicated to supporting digital rights across the world.
Following the Company’s placement on the Entity List in February 2024, it has comprehensively improved its governance and business model, which you can learn about here. This reorientation was done in consultation with the U.S. Department of Commerce, U.S. Department of State, and other key stakeholders.
The Company’s mission is to help people work, learn, entertain, and communicate freely and securely. In collaboration with internet service partners, the Company’s technology facilitates internet access for hundreds of millions of people globally by classifying network traffic, enhancing connectivity, and countering threats to network security. The Company’s new model will continue this mission with steps to substantially mitigate the risk of misuse of its technology. The Company is committed to this democracy-focused approach.
As the Company evolves in this important next chapter, we thank our customers, associates, business partners, and lenders for their continued support of our mission.
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