P3 Group and FPT Establish Joint Venture P3 Vietnam Ltd. – A Powerful Partnership for Strategic Larg
- Global scalability and European expertise
- Best-Shore approach for tailored software projects
- Expansion into key markets across Europe, the Americas, and Japan
Global leading technology corporation, FPT, through its subsidiary FPT Software, and P3, an international consulting firm founded in 1996, announce the establishment of the joint venture P3 Vietnam Ltd. This partnership leverages their complementary strengths to set new standards in software development. Customers will benefit from the ideal combination of P3's deep industry expertise and FPT's impressive scalability, enabling the rapid, efficient, and global implementation of technological innovations.
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P3: Comprehensive Domain Expertise
P3 Group brings to this joint venture its extensive experience and deep understanding of the requirements of Western markets, along with comprehensive domain knowledge in specific industries such as automotive and energy. For decades, the industry has trusted P3’s expertise in optimizing internal processes and addressing industry-specific challenges.
“This joint venture enhances our competitiveness and expands our capacity for resources and competencies. This allows us to support our customers even more efficiently and precisely in their digital transformation,” says Robert Rendl, COO of P3 Group.
FPT: Speed and Global Growth
FPT is a global leader in IT services, distinguished by its remarkable scalability and speed in project execution. The company pursues ambitious growth plans globally. Through the partnership with P3, FPT Software will accelerate its expansion worldwide while remaining committed to its proven best-price strategy, delivering cost-efficient solutions for the most demanding large-scale projects.
“FPT has established a solid presence in the European market and has become a trusted partner for hundreds of enterprises. As we advance our investments in this strategic market, the joint venture with P3 will help enhance our capabilities and extend our offerings to serve a broader client base. With our leading position in Vietnam, we are also confident to provide our customers with optimized cost efficiencies and streamlined operations," said Nguyen Khai Hoan, Senior Executive Vice President, FPT Software
Efficiency, Scalability, and Cost Advantages
Customers will receive cost-efficient, high-end software solutions, optimally delivered through the Best-Shore model. This model combines Onshore, Nearshore, and Offshore services to execute the most complex projects—always tailored to the individual and financial needs of the customers.
Joint Venture Structure
Duong Nguyen (FPT) will serve as CEO of P3 Vietnam, with Robert Rendl (P3) acting as Chairman. The advisory board will consist of Nguyen Khai Hoan, Nguyen Duc Kinh, and Duong Nguyen (FPT), as well as Dr. Christoph Theis, Robert Rendl, and Walter Kaufmann (P3).
About P3
P3 is an independent, international technology, software, and consulting firm, founded in 1996 as a spin-off of the Fraunhofer Institute for Production Technology IPT. With extensive expertise in industries such as automotive, aerospace, telecommunications, and energy, P3 develops innovative, tailored solutions that are precisely aligned with the needs of its clients. True to the motto “Business as Unusual,” P3 goes beyond traditional consulting: as an implementer, visionary, and partner, P3 works with its clients to create new pathways in product and technology development. P3 stands for bold innovation, making the future tangible.
About FPT Corporation and FPT Software
FPT Corporation is a global technology corporation and a leader in consulting, providing, and deploying technology and telecommunications services and solutions. It records a global workforce of 48,000+ and a total revenue of $2.17 billion (2023).
FPT Software, a subsidiary of FPT Corporation, is a global technology and IT services provider headquartered in Vietnam, with $1 billion in revenue (2023) and over 30,000 employees in 30 countries.
The company champions complex business opportunities and challenges with its world-class services in Advanced Analytics, AI, Digital Platforms, Cloud, Hyperautomation, IoT, Low-code, and so on. It has partnered with over 1,100 clients worldwide, nearly 100 of which are Fortune Global 500 companies in Aviation, Automotive, Banking, Financial Services and Insurance, Healthcare, Logistics, Manufacturing, Utilities, and more.
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