Panopto Adds Generative AI Text-to-Video Creation Capabilities Through Its Acquisition of Elai
Authentic custom avatars, verified voice cloning and guided storyboard scriptwriting facilitate cost-effective, scalable and accessible video training and learning
PITTSBURGH, Oct. 23, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Today, Panopto, the global leader in AI-powered video creation and management solutions, announced its acquisition of Elai, a revolutionary AI text-to-video platform that quickly generates engaging video content for learning with on-screen interactive playback, easy-to-use creator studio tools, and advanced avatar-based learning capabilities, including custom avatars and voice cloning options. With the addition of Elai’s AI video creation solution, the Panopto platform is the only secure video solution capable of supporting the full video learning lifecycle from creation and management to sharing and measuring impact.
Founded in 2021 and based in Lewes, Delaware, Elai serves more than 2,000 global customers in a variety of industries, ranging from manufacturers of personal care products, medical equipment and industrial machinery to software companies, hospitals and universities. Elai’s guided storyboard scriptwriting, custom avatar-building, and personal design features, powered by text-to-video AI, support the creation of accessible learning content, helping organizations and institutions create more equitable learning experiences.
Through this acquisition, Panopto addresses the growing challenges faced by learning experience designers and content creators, who are under pressure to produce engaging, personalized, and interactive content faster than ever. Traditional content creation is time-consuming, while modern learners demand immediacy and relevance, often leaving materials outdated before they can be fully utilized.
With the power of generative AI, Panopto revolutionizes content creation by improving speed, efficiency, and quality. Now, with lifelike avatars delivering scripts in any language, integrated quizzes, interactivity and branching options, instructors and subject matter experts can create dynamic learning experiences quickly. Panopto's smart chaptering and intelligent search features ensure that these innovative, personalized materials reach the right learners exactly when needed.
“Generative AI transforms how enterprise organizations work and learn, operationalize teams, innovate processes, and engage with their employees. With traditional training methods, creating learning content at scale can be cumbersome and costly,” said Jason Beam, CEO at Panopto. “With the capabilities of Elai added to the Panopto platform, we’re equipping our customers with a complete solution to create, deliver and personalize the video learning journey.”
“Elai is excited to join forces with Panopto and continue our mission to support agile training models that meet the challenges of a rapidly evolving future,” said Vitalii Romanchenko, CEO and Founder at Elai. “Engaging content is foundational to learning and Panopto shares our vision of user-friendly AI innovation that simplifies content creation and inspires users across all organizations to turn bright ideas into learning content worth sharing.”
"Workforces are getting smarter, especially with new technologies that optimize the delivery of scalable training, like AI-generative content," said Jim Lundy, Aragon Research CEO and Founder. "Platforms like Panopto, with their recent acquisition of Elai and integrated video learning capabilities, provide a range of options for organizations seeking to create and deliver training content. While these advancements offer potential benefits in terms of efficiency and scalability, it's important for business leaders to carefully evaluate their specific needs and consider the full range of available solutions."
About Panopto
Panopto is the leading AI-powered video learning platform for organizations of all sizes, from modern workforces to college campuses. With fully integrated generative AI creator tools and publishing and engagement features, Panopto transforms ideas, lectures, training, and events into on-demand and accessible learning experiences, empowering organizations to design a smarter future of working and learning with video. To learn more, visit
About Elai
Elai enables enterprises and institutions to create high-quality video content quickly and efficiently, revolutionizing traditional video production. An AI-powered text-to-video platform that offers interactive playback, intuitive creator tools, and advanced avatar-based learning, including custom avatars and voice cloning - Elai is a game-changer for organizations that prioritize learning. For more, visit
Rebecca Reese
(603) 305-4155
A video accompanying this announcement is available at
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