Bahrain Opens the Largest ISF Gymnasiade in History
MANAMA, Bahrain, Oct. 25, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - In a remarkable display of global unity and athletic prowess, the 17th edition of the International School Sports Federation (ISF) Gymnasiade officially opened in the Kingdom of Bahrain. Under the Royal Patronage of His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, this prestigious event runs until 31 October and welcomes an unprecedented 5,515 talented athletes from 71 countries, competing across 26 sports. The 2024 Gymnasiade in the Kingdom of Bahrain stands as the largest in the event's history, cementing the Kingdom's vision as a leader in fostering international sportsmanship and youth development.
The grand opening ceremony, held at the iconic Bahrain National Stadium, was a celebration of cultural diversity and sporting excellence. It was attended by His Highness Shaikh Khalid bin Hamad Al Khalifa, First Deputy Chairman of the Supreme Council for Youth and Sports (SCYS), Chairman of the General Sports Authority (GSA), and President of the Bahrain Olympic Committee (BOC), embodying the Kingdom's commitment to both the event and the wider ideals of global collaboration and engagement.
The ceremony commenced with the Bahraini national anthem and a beautiful Qur'anic recitation, followed by the vibrant parade of nations—a powerful display of the unity and cultural richness represented by the athletes from across the globe. A dazzling fireworks display concluded the ceremony, creating a grand visual prelude to the exciting sportsmanship to come.
During the opening, His Excellency Dr. Mohammed bin Mubarak Juma, Minister of Education and President of the event's High-Level Organising Committee, said: “The Kingdom of Bahrain, the land of civilisations, history and heritage, the land of Dilmun, Tylos, and the land of bright smiles and authentic Arab hospitality, has been acknowledged over years as a major hub for hosting regional, continental and international championships.” He further emphasised the value of sport: “School sports teach discipline, respect, friendship, leadership, resilience and the ability to overcome adversity. School sports bring people together, build bridges and help lay the foundations for a better world for generations to come.”
Youssef Belqasmi, Acting President of ISF, delivered a speech in which he described this year's edition as “the biggest event ever organised by the ISF - a celebration of the incredible power of sport to bring us together.”
This year's record-breaking participation at the ISF Gymnasiade 2024 underscores Bahrain's growing reputation as a capable host for international sporting events, with 70 nations represented. It also exemplifies the country's vision of sports as an avenue for fostering global cultural exchange and collaboration.
Competitions will take place at several key world-class avenues, including Isa Sports City, Khalifa Sports City, Um Al-Hassam Sports Halls, and the American University of Bahrain. They will feature 26 diverse sports, including athletics, archery, badminton, 3x3 basketball, beach volleyball, boxing, chess, artistic and rhythmic gymnastics, and judo. In keeping with the event's values of inclusivity and equality and the country's commitment to celebrating diversity and talent from all backgrounds and abilities, competitions for athletes with special needs will also be held in athletics, badminton, and judo.
First held in 1974, the ISF Gymnasiade was founded to give young athletes an international platform to exhibit their skills, while promoting values such as sportsmanship, cultural exchange, and international cooperation. Over the decades, the event has grown into one of the most important global gatherings for school-aged athletes, creating lasting bonds between young people and fostering a spirit of mutual respect across borders.
Audiences from across the globe can tune in to follow the competitions through live broadcasts and online streaming. Fans are also encouraged to join the conversation on social media, using the official hashtag #ISFGymnasiadeBahrain2024, to stay updated on all the behind-the-scenes moments, live results, and performances from the world's future sporting stars.
For more information contact:
The National Communication Centre (NCC)
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