Galderma Brings Together Over 650 Healthcare Professionals from Asia-Pacific to Elevate Knowledge of
- Galderma convenes a new edition of the Galderma Aesthetic Injector Network (GAIN) event in the Asia-Pacific region (JPAC), which will be the largest to date, bringing together more than 650 healthcare professionals (HCPs) across 14 countries and regions
- Titled ‘Embarking on the NEXT Aesthetic Journeys’, GAIN JPAC will explore the six trends identified in the ‘NEXT by Galderma’ report to help HCPs stay on top of evolving aesthetic trends1
- With one of the highest demands for aesthetics,2,3 Asia-Pacific houses some of Galderma’s fastest growing markets, where sales have fueled the company’s strong performance across product categories
- GAIN is a unique community of highly trained, clinically proficient aesthetic practitioners, committed to delivering a premium experience to their clients
Galderma (SWX:GALD), the pure-play dermatology category leader, today announced a new edition of the Galderma Aesthetic Injector Network (GAIN) event in the Asia-Pacific region, which houses some of the company’s fastest growing markets. This is the largest regional event to date and will deliver a premium and engaging experience for more than 650 delegates. Taking place October 26-27 in Incheon, South Korea, the extensive, two-day agenda will take a deep dive into the six trends identified in the ‘NEXT by Galderma’ report and explore how they will shape the future of aesthetics.1
Aesthetics is increasingly becoming part of beauty and wellness routines worldwide, which, in turn, are driving much of the growth seen in this category. By 2028, the aesthetics market is expected to nearly double in value, reaching $25.9 billion.4 GAIN is Galderma’s long-established training platform designed to educate, inspire, and empower through the creation of a unique community of highly trained, clinically proficient aesthetic practitioners. Created by aesthetic practitioners for aesthetic practitioners, GAIN’s primary purpose is to encourage and facilitate the sharing of knowledge and improve the treatment experience for both patients and aesthetic practitioners themselves.
“We’re delighted to bring the GAIN aesthetic community together in the Asia-Pacific region, which houses some of our fastest growing markets and is a key driver of the continued strong commercial performance of our broad and unique portfolio. Built around the six key trends from our groundbreaking ‘NEXT by Galderma’ report, that are expected to drive demand and shape the future, this event is designed to bring the latest in science and skills to the medical aesthetics field and drive the entire segment forward.”
With one of the highest demands for aesthetics,2,3 Asia-Pacific houses some of Galderma’s fastest growing markets, where sales have fueled the company’s strong performance across product categories. There have been multiple successes in the region already this year, with launches in many key aesthetic products including Restylane® VOLYME in China,5 Restylane® EYELIGHT in Korea6 and Alastin Skincare® in Australia.7 More recently, RelfydessTM (RelabotulinumtoxinA) was approved in Australia8 and Sculptra® - which celebrates its 25th launch anniversary this year - was approved in China.9 With its premiumization strategy and broad channel exposure, Galderma is well positioned to capitalize on growing consumer demand across Asia-Pacific, where the compelling dermatology market has remained on a consistent growth trajectory, with robust demand for premium, science-based products.
“The field of aesthetics is evolving at pace, and this is having a real impact on our practice in the Asia-Pacific region. Events like GAIN JPAC, where practicing physicians have the opportunity to deep-dive into the future trends, techniques and products in aesthetics, are invaluable in helping us tailor our approaches to every skin story, stay on top of the ever-changing demands we face, and, ultimately, continue to deliver the excellence that our patients expect.”
The event program is built around the six global aesthetic trends identified by ‘NEXT by Galderma’, a groundbreaking report based on a year’s worth of comprehensive trend-forecasting research conducted in collaboration with a network of renowned experts:1
- Proactive Beauty: An increased shift toward early intervention on ageing.
- Mindful Aesthetics: The prioritization of products with minimal environmental impact that align with patients’ ethical values and provide natural-looking results.
- Fast Aesthetics: More and more people now want to use aesthetics to mimic the latest fast-moving trends.
- Beauty Fandom: A reflection of patients’ fascination with niche idolization—from cultural icons to digital filters, anime, and beyond—which is leading to a desire for metamorphosis.
- Expressionality: A celebration of the empowerment that comes from creating and enhancing one’s identity with aesthetics.
- Cancelling Age: We are cancelling expectations of what certain ages “should look like”, as consumers employ aesthetics to express their ageless attitude.
In addition, there will be an exploration of the potential for aesthetics to assist the increasing number of patients experiencing rapid weight loss, and how this could impact the aesthetics landscape in this region in the future.
The event’s agenda features a faculty of 10 renowned global and Asia-Pacific experts. Expert presentations, live demonstrations, case sharing, and panel discussions will bring Galderma’s Integrated Dermatology Strategy to life with sessions aiming to advance skin science, skin education and skin innovation, while further strengthening its GAIN community. Additional ‘GAIN Talks’ on subjects such as reverse ageing and ethics in aesthetics, as well as several Meet The Expert sessions throughout the two-day event will further reinforce Galderma’s thought leadership in dermatology and the cumulative knowledge of the GAIN community, setting the company apart as a true leader and preferred partner in the industry.
About Galderma
Galderma (SIX: GALD) is the pure-play dermatology category leader, present in approximately 90 countries. We deliver an innovative, science-based portfolio of premium flagship brands and services that span the full spectrum of the fast-growing dermatology market through Injectable Aesthetics, Dermatological Skincare and Therapeutic Dermatology. Since our foundation in 1981, we have dedicated our focus and passion to the human body’s largest organ – the skin – meeting individual consumer and patient needs with superior outcomes in partnership with healthcare professionals. Because we understand that the skin we are in shapes our lives, we are advancing dermatology for every skin story. For more information:
- NEXT by Galderma. Emerging aesthetics trend report. 2023. Available online. Last accessed October 2024
- Kwon SH, et al. Experiences and attitudes toward aesthetic procedures in East Asia: a cross-sectional survey of five geographical regions. Arch Plast Surg. 2021 Nov;48(6):660-669. doi: 10.5999/aps.2020.02565. Epub 2021 Nov 15. PMID: 34818714; PMCID: PMC8627936.
- Asia Pacific Medical Aesthetics Market Size, Share & Industry Trends Analysis Report By End User (Clinics, Hospitals, & Medicals Spas, Beauty Centres, & Home Care Settings), By Procedure, By Product, By Country and Growth Forecast, 2023 – 2030. Available online. Last accessed October 2024
- Markets and Markets (2023) Medical aesthetics market by product (botox, filler, peel, implant, liposuction, microneedling, hair removal, laser resurfacing, RF, phototherapy), procedure (surgical, nonsurgical), end user (hospital, beauty clinic, spa), region – global forecast to 2028. Available online. Last accessed October 2024
- Galderma. Galderma launches Restylane® Volyme™ in China – one of the world’s fastest growing aesthetics markets. Available online. Last accessed October 2024
- Korea BioMed. Galderma Korea to launch ‘Restylane Eyelight’ in June. Available online. Last accessed October 2024
- Galderma. Alastin Skincare now available in Australia. Available online. Last accessed October 2024
- Galderma. Galderma’s Relfydess™ (RelabotulinumtoxinA) receives positive decision for use in Europe. Available online. Last accessed October 2024
- Galderma. Galderma delivers record net sales of 3.259 B USD in the first nine months of 2024, demonstrates significant innovation progress, confirms and narrows its full year net sales guidance. Available online. Last accessed October 2024
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