Unipart wins e-commerce contract with South Korean pet supplies retailer Vanchanggo
OXFORD, United Kingdom, Oct. 28, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - Unipart, the supply chain solutions and performance improvement technologies partner, has won a three-year contract with Vanchanggo, a rapidly-expanding B2B and B2C pet supplies retailer based in South Korea.
Unipart will provide comprehensive e-commerce services to Vanchanggo from its 12,000m² facility in the Gyeonggi-do Province, optimising its supply chain to ensure a seamless and efficient logistics operation. The facility opened earlier this month.
Unipart has been operating in South Korea since 2010, working with customers in the automotive and e-commerce sectors to provide logistics and supply chain solutions.
Carl Williams, Unipart Managing Director, Asia Pacific, said: “We are delighted to have won this contract with Vanchanggo, and look forward to driving efficiency and growth within Vanchanggo's operations.
“This three-year contract represents a significant achievement for Unipart, underscoring our growing influence and capability in the region.
“By entering South Korea's dynamic e-commerce market, Unipart is further solidifying itself as a versatile and strategic player in global logistics and e-commerce.”
Bongjun Kim, Vanchanggo CEO, said: “We are pleased to be partnering with Unipart Korea, a specialist in logistics, to ensure our products are delivered to customers quickly and safely.
“With Unipart Korea's exceptional logistics management capabilities, we expect to significantly enhance the efficiency of Vanchanggo's product deliveries and further improve customer satisfaction.
“Through this agreement, we aim to promote mutual growth and maintain a close working relationship to ensure successful logistics operations.”
For more information contact Alistair.drummond@unipart.com.
A photo accompanying this announcement is available at https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/45a3cb36-e9e3-47fe-bd40-815d44eb0b6e
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