Christie's International Real Estate Launches in Western Australia and South Australia
The new firm, Christie's International Real Estate Western Australia and South Australia, looks to capitalize on recent groundswell of demand for luxury properties in the region
PERTH, Western Australia and CHICAGO, Oct. 28, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - Leading global luxury real estate brand Christie's International Real Estate is making its debut in Western Australia and South Australia, partnering with a multinational agent team led by Shelley Scorer. The new firm, Christie's International Real Estate Western Australia and South Australia, launches amidst a surge of international homebuyers and investors seeking the two regions' affordable luxury, natural beauty and quality of lifestyle.
Christie's International Real Estate Western Australia and South Australia will serve Western Australia's capital city of Perth and South Australia's capital city of Adelaide, as well as the countryside, home to many of the world's leading vineyards. As an affiliate of Christie's International Real Estate, the new brokerage will offer its clients access to world-class marketing and an unprecedented global network spanning nearly 50 countries and territories.
The seven-person team has a collective 25+ years working with bespoke luxury home design and private property projects, property acquisitions, as well as selling real estate and helping clients achieve their goals, and 30+ years in the Australian finance sector accompanied by extensive knowledge in the global wine and spirits industry. To serve the region's growing international buyer pool, the firm includes agents based in the United Arab Emirates, Tuscany, Italy, and Brazil as well as an on-site agent who specializes in transactions involving Russian buyers.
One of the world's leading producers of wine, Australia is home to more than 2,000 wineries. To serve wine collectors, the firm also has a dedicated wine and spirits expert on staff, who will offer a direct connection to the Christie's auction house when buying and selling wine.
Additionally, the office will collaborate with local artists as part of the Western Australian Private Collection - Sky Gallery.
Widely considered safe havens for future investment with potential for substantive financial growth, Western Australia and South Australia have seen a steady stream of interest from luxury buyers since the end of the pandemic. But while interest in the region has grown, the local brokerage industry remains largely provincial, making Christie's International Real Estate an important addition to the market, according to Scorer.
“For decades, the real estate audience in Western Australia and South Australia was insular, with little, if any, connection to the international marketplace,” Scorer explains. “But with growing interest from international buyers since the pandemic, the market needs the bespoke service, world-class marketing and international network that only Christie's International Real Estate can provide.”
“Our partnership with Christie's International Real Estate effectively makes us part of a global team, a true connection to the world market from what we call the ‘land down under,'” she adds. “Now, we are able to deliver the highest level of service and make the buying process for our clients as seamless as possible, no matter where they live in the world.”
The largest state by land area in the country, Western Australia enjoys a strong residential market with consistent growth that outperforms other Australian states. More than 80 percent of the state's population resides in the capital city of Perth, in the continent's southwest corner. Widely considered one of the most livable cities in the world, Perth offers a temperate climate, beautiful beaches and world-class healthcare and education.
Prices for single-family residences in and around Perth range from AU$1.5 million to AU$30 million, with some of the most sought-after luxury real estate located in the city's western suburbs, including Cottesloe and Peppermint Grove. In this area, locally known as the “Golden Triangle,” homes typically sell for around AU$3 million to AU$4 million, and buyers can find a wide variety of inventory from luxury penthouses on the Swan River to beachfront single-family homes.
South Australia is also known for its natural beauty and breathtaking scenery. Its capital city of Adelaide, which Architectural Digest recently named one of the 20 Most Beautiful Cities in the World, is home to more than three-quarters of South Australia's residents, who enjoy a thriving economy, numerous cultural festivals, and ample green space.
Adelaide's relative affordability and strong growth potential have resulted in a sizable population spike and rise in home prices in just the last five years. Despite this, median prices for homes in the Adelaide metro are about half that of Melbourne and Brisbane's top suburbs, and around one-third that of Sydney. Luxury properties in Adelaide's central business district run from AU$1-3 million, while luxury penthouses can command up to AU$10 million.
“Shelley and her team have incredible experience and knowledge of the region, and we look forward to partnering with them to bring Christie's International Real Estate's unparalleled service, industry-leading marketing and international network to this emerging and dynamic market,” said Helena Moyas de Forton, Managing Director, head of EMEA and APAC, Christie's International Real Estate.
The launch of Christie's International Real Estate Western Australia and South Australia gives the brand a presence on both coasts, joining existing affiliates Christie's International Real Estate Sydney and Christie's International Real Estate Victoria.
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About Christie's International Real Estate
Christie's International Real Estate has successfully marketed high-value real estate around the world for more than 30 years. Through its invitation-only Affiliate network spanning nearly 50 countries and territories, Christie's International Real Estate offers incomparable services to a global clientele at the luxury end of the residential property market.
Bella Paredes
Christie's International Real Estate
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