Armstrong International Secures Funding from European Commission's Innovation Fund to Support F
The grant will accelerate Armstrong's ability to produce innovative low-carbon technologies and support Europe's climate neutrality objectives
HERSTAL, Belgium, Oct. 30, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - Armstrong International, a global leader in thermal utilities, has secured funding from the European Commission's Innovation Fund to accelerate the expansion of its manufacturing facility in Herstal, Belgium. The grant, managed by the “European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency” (CINEA), will enhance Armstrong's capacity to produce innovative low-carbon technologies, supporting Europe's broader objectives of strengthening industrial manufacturing and advancing climate neutrality.
“This support allows us to fast-track the development of our heat pump production capabilities, which are crucial for Europe's journey toward decarbonization,” said Kurt Armstrong, CEO of Armstrong International. “High-temperature heat pumps are central to our Circular Thermal℠ methodology, which integrates de-steaming, advanced heat recovery, and low-grade heat recovery. This approach is increasingly adopted by companies with Science-Based Targets initiative (SBTi) commitments as they aim to decarbonize their thermal systems by 2030.”
Armstrong's Herstal project is one of 25 cleantech manufacturing projects selected under the European Commission's 2023 call for proposals, receiving a portion of the €1.4 billion in cleantech grants (additional to 3.4 Bn€ for end users' projects) from the Innovation Fund— Europe's flagship financial program for advancing innovative low-carbon technologies.
“This expansion is a critical step in delivering sustainable, energy-efficient solutions for industrial applications across Europe,” said Rossen Ivanov, EMEA Managing Director at Armstrong. “It will help meet the growing demand in Europe for decarbonizing industrial heat below 200 degrees Celsius by recovering waste heat from processes and cooling systems—reducing up to 70% of the primary energy demand at industrial sites in sectors like food and beverage, pharmaceuticals, chemicals and other light industries. This 'efficient electrification' not only contributes towards climate goals, but also enhances energy security by replacing imported gas with local renewable electricity; and also boosts industrial competitiveness by reducing and stabilizing energy costs for EU industries."
Construction at the Herstal site is set to begin in summer 2025, pending final Grant Agreement, with the facility expected to be operational by early 2027. The project includes a comprehensive infrastructure upgrade over two years, focusing on building a new modular facility capable of producing up to 50 MW of industrial high-temperature heat pumps by 2027. This initiative will also scale the advanced technology developed with Armstrong's joint venture partner, Combitherm GmbH, expanding capabilities to include direct low-pressure steam generation.
“We are proud to be part of a portfolio of innovative projects driving sustainable industrial transformation across Europe,” added Kurt Armstrong. “But this expansion is also part of Armstrong's broader program to increase production of industrial high-temperature heat pumps across the world. The Herstal facility complements our expanding manufacturing capabilities in the United States and India as well as existing operations in China and Mexico.”
By 2027, Armstrong's worldwide manufacturing capacity for industrial high-temperature heat pumps is set to exceed 200 MW, positioning the company to meet growing global demand for decarbonization solutions.
“We are deeply grateful to our customers, the authorities of the Wallonia region, and other partners for their support. These endorsements were crucial in demonstrating the alignment of our vision across private companies, public authorities, academic institutions, and industry associations,” Ivanov added. “The Armstrong team is fully dedicated to delivering the results of this project, contributing to efficient electrification as part of the energy transition, and positively impacting local employment—not only in Belgium but also across Europe where industrial transformations will take place.”
For more information on Armstrong International, please visit
Armstrong International provides intelligent system solutions that improve utility performance, lower energy consumption, and reduce environmental emissions. As the industry's leading thermal utility partner, Armstrong International can satisfy unique requirements while helping to improve efficiency and reduce energy consumption and emissions. The fifth-generation, family-owned business provides hardworking products, state-of-the-art technology, custom-engineered systems, and services, and more than a century of knowledge and experience — all organized with industry specificity. Founded in 1900, Armstrong International is headquartered in the United States, with manufacturing, sales and seminar centers located throughout the Americas, EMEA and Asia. For more information, visit
Media contact:
Josh Skalniak
Lambert by LLYC
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