EveLab Insight Unveils Advanced Neck Analysis with Revolutionary Panoramic AI Skin Analysis System
SINGAPORE, Nov. 04, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- A revolutionary player in the beauty tech space, EveLab Insight’s Eve V Panoramic AI Skin Analysis System uncovers the ground truth of skin by capturing high quality 3D face contour and high resolution skin photographs in 25 seconds, accurately assessing skin concerns such as aging, redness, acne, skin tone, pigmentary spots and more. The Eve V system precisely analyzes the skin and provides customized skincare routines that allow individuals to discover the full potential of healthy skin.

Previously focused solely on facial analysis, EveLab Insight's cutting-edge skin analysis system now makes a groundbreaking leap to the neck area. This innovative feature comprehensively evaluates neck wrinkles and fine lines, setting a new standard for neck scans in the market. With a sophisticated four-degree system and nine distinct grades to assess the severity of neck wrinkles, EveLab Insight can now provide precise scoring that highlights the condition of your skin. Levels include:
None: No wrinkles are present, and the skin appears smooth.
Mild: Presence of shallow wrinkles, either 1-2 or 3 or more.
Moderate: Medium-depth wrinkles ranging from 1-2 or 3 or more.
Severe: Deep wrinkles, with possible accompanying loose soft tissue in the neck area. The severity ranges from a few deep wrinkles to very noticeable loose tissue.

The addition of neck analysis to the EveV Panoramic AI Skin Analysis System is a powerful tool that can be used by brands, spas, clinicians and more for a plethora of reasons:
Personalized Product Recommendations:
The neck wrinkles analysis feature allows beauty brands to offer highly personalized skincare product recommendations. By analyzing the severity and specific characteristics of neck wrinkles, brands can suggest tailored products such as targeted neck creams, serums, and masks. If a client's analysis indicates moderate to severe neck wrinkles, the brand can recommend their specialized neck cream designed to address these specific concerns. This enhances the customer experience, increases sales of specialized products, and builds stronger customer loyalty.
Promoting Existing Neck Creams:
Beauty brands with existing neck creams can leverage the neck wrinkles analysis to effectively promote these products. By demonstrating the efficacy of their neck creams through before-and-after skin analysis reports, brands can build trust and convince clients of the product’s benefits. This targeted approach not only boosts sales but also positions the brand as a leader in anti-aging solutions.
Data-Driven Product Development:
Beauty brands can use the detailed data from the neck wrinkles analysis report to drive research and development. Understanding common aging patterns and the effectiveness of existing products help in creating new, more effective formulations. This ensures that the products address the most prevalent issues, enhancing their market competitiveness and effectiveness.
Customized Treatment Plans:
Aesthetic clinics can use the neck wrinkles analysis to create highly customized treatment plans. By providing accurate and detailed information on wrinkle severity and characteristics, clinicians can design targeted treatments such as laser therapy, radiofrequency treatments, or injectable fillers. This precision leads to better treatment outcomes and higher client satisfaction.
The launch of EveLab Insight's advanced neck analysis marks a significant step in addressing the unique skincare needs of the neck area. By providing precise assessments of neck wrinkles and fine lines, we empower brands and clinics to offer targeted solutions, enhancing personalized care for this often-overlooked region and transforming how we approach neck skincare.
Media contact:
Daisy Zhang
Photos accompanying this announcement are available at:
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