Wood Mackenzie names new leader for Consulting
Wood Mackenzie names new leader for Consulting
Matthijs van Koppen, formerly of Gartner, brings consulting and technology experience
LONDON/HOUSTON/SINGAPORE, 28 May 2024 – Wood Mackenzie, a portfolio company of Veritas Capital, has appointed Matthijs (Thijs) van Koppen to its global executive leadership team as EVP, Head of Consulting.
Van Koppen brings more than 20 years of international consulting experience in public and private firms, with an emphasis on implementing transformational technologies. He joins Wood Mackenzie after 12 years at Gartner, where he held leadership positions in both the US and Europe and was most recently responsible for Gartner Consulting in EMEA, which provides consulting services to C-Suite technology leaders. Prior to Gartner, van Koppen spent a decade managing Finance, Operations, and as CIO with asset management group, Robeco.
Commenting on van Koppen’s appointment, Jason Liu, CEO for Wood Mackenzie said:
“Thijs is a highly-skilled, commercially focused leader who has formed a clear vision throughout his impressive career of how technology can deliver value for clients and businesses alike. He has a proven history of providing strategic advice on digital transformation, data & analytics, and cost optimization to many of the world’s most prominent technology leaders.”
“As Wood Mackenzie continues to develop new data, analytics, and technologies that provide insights into the energy transition, his experience will be of immense value to all our clients across the energy and renewables value chain. We are excited that Thijs will be a part of our global leadership team.”
Van Koppen, EVP, Head of Consulting, commented: “This is an incredible time to join Wood Mackenzie, as it continues to expand its data, analytics and consulting solutions. The energy transition is one of the most important and exciting opportunities in our world today. As we develop new technologies and data to address it, we will empower our clients to navigate this environment with confidence.”
For further information please contact Wood Mackenzie’s media relations team:
Kevin Baxter
+44 330 124 9400
Vivien Lebbon
+44 330 174 7486
Mark Thomton
+1 630 881 6885
Hla Myat Mon
+65 8533 8860
The Big Partnership (UK PR agency)
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About Wood Mackenzie
Wood Mackenzie is the global insight business for renewables, energy and natural resources. Driven by data. Powered by people. In the middle of an energy revolution, businesses and governments need reliable and actionable insight to lead the transition to a sustainable future. That’s why we cover the entire supply chain with unparalleled breadth and depth, backed by over 50 years’ experience in natural resources. Today, our team of over 2,000 experts operate across 30 global locations, inspiring customers’ decisions through real-time analytics, consultancy, events and thought leadership. Together, we deliver the insight they need to separate risk from opportunity and make bold decisions when it matters most. For more information, visit woodmac.com.
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