MedSource Labs Announces Groundbreaking Digital Training Assets for IV Catheters
MedSource Labs Unveils the most intensive remote training tools available to medical professionals, distributors and students.
[Minneapolis, Minnesota, Chanhassen], Nov. 07, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- MedSource Labs and its production partner, Ghost Medical, proudly announce the first training modules designed to improve patient care, comfort and clinician accuracy in peripheral IV Catheters.
Through first-of-its-kind digital training assets geared around the ClearSafe and TrueSafe Comfort/Blood Control IV Catheters, MedSource offers beneficial training for clinicians, distribution partners and first responders. The training modules cover both slide and push-button activations styles and include blood control and non-blood control protocols.
“The detail and scope of these new training resources are unlike anything the market has seen before,” said Dave Kunelius, President at MedSource Labs. “We are extremely proud to be the conduit to bring these unparalleled clinical tools to the Peripheral IV Catheter (PIVC) market. If you have been starting IVs for twenty years or twenty minutes, there’s an opportunity to improve your patient interaction just by walking through these training modules.”
A version of the push-button, blood control training module is available here:
TrueSafe Comfort® BC
MedSource Labs is a leading medical product developer and supplier specializing in high-quality products and innovative medical product development. The ClearSafe Comfort and TrueSafe Comfort Blood Control Safety IV Catheters are part of MedSource Labs’ high-performing IV catheter lines focused on caring for the caregiver.
MedSource Labs is ISO 13485:2016 certified for quality management in medical device manufacturing, registered with the FDA, and the illustrated catheters are 510(k) Cleared Products.
MedSource Labs is a leading provider of quality medical products, specializing in high-quality products, equipment and innovative class II medical product development. For over two decades, MedSource Labs has been a trusted provider of quality medical products at a superb value.
Jeremy Belloit
MedSource Labs
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