Valeura Implements Share Buyback Programme
SINGAPORE, Nov. 12, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - Valeura Energy Inc. (TSX:VLE, OTCQX:VLERF) ("Valeura" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that it has received Toronto Stock Exchange ("TSX") approval of the Company's notice of intention to make a Normal Course Issuer Bid ("NCIB"). The NCIB will commence on November 14, 2024 and end on November 13, 2025, or such earlier date as Valeura may determine or upon completion of purchases pursuant to the NCIB.
The purpose of the NCIB is to deploy a portion of the Company's cash resources on hand and future free cash flow to purchase common shares in the capital of the Company (the "Shares") in the open market and cancel these Shares.
Valeura believes that the prevailing market price of the Shares may not, from time to time, reflect the Company's intrinsic value and future prospects, and that the purchase of Shares represents an appropriate use of the Company's financial resources to enhance shareholder value.
Dr. Sean Guest, President and CEO commented:
"We feel Valeura's Shares represent tremendous value. I am pleased to put the mechanisms in place for us to purchase and cancel up to 10% of our public float on an opportunistic basis, in the context of the broader market and the Company's capital allocation strategy.
We intend to continue maintaining a strong balance sheet as we pursue value accretive growth, both through organic projects and through potential acquisitions. We feel a share buyback programme is an attractive investment opportunity and complementary to our strategy to add value for shareholders through growth."
Valeura has received TSX approval to purchase the maximum allowable number of Shares over the next 12 month period, being 7,390,245 Shares representing approximately 10% of the public float of Shares as at October 31, 2024. The number of outstanding Shares as at October 31, 2024 was 106,999,013. The actual number of Shares ultimately purchased pursuant to the NCIB will be a function of several factors including, but not limited to, the market price of the Shares, the maximum daily allowable repurchase volume under TSX rules, and other factors deemed relevant by Valeura. Purchases made pursuant to the NCIB will be made in the open market through the facilities of the TSX or through alternative Canadian trading systems. Shares purchased pursuant to the NCIB will be cancelled. The number of Shares that can be purchased pursuant to the NCIB is subject to a daily maximum of 78,509 Shares which is 25% of the average daily trading volume for the Shares on the TSX for the period of May 1, 2024 to October 31, 2024, subject to certain prescribed exceptions.
Valeura will employ an automatic share purchase plan (the "ASPP") with a designated broker. The ASPP will allow for purchases of Shares at pre-determined levels at times when Valeura would not otherwise be active in the market due to applicable regulatory restrictions or internal trading black-out periods.
For further information, please contact:
Valeura Energy Inc. (General Corporate Enquiries) Sean Guest, President and CEO Yacine Ben-Meriem, CFO |
+65 6373 6940 |
Valeura Energy Inc. (Investor and Media Enquiries) Robin James Martin, Vice President, Communications and Investor Relations |
+1 403 975 6752 / +44 7392 940495 |
Contact details for the Company's advisors, covering research analysts and joint brokers, including Auctus Advisors LLP, Canaccord Genuity Ltd (UK), Cormark Securities Inc., Research Capital Corporation, and Stifel Nicolaus Europe Limited, are listed on the Company's website at
About the Company
Valeura Energy Inc. is a Canadian public company engaged in the exploration, development and production of petroleum and natural gas in Thailand and in Türkiye. The Company is pursuing a growth-oriented strategy and intends to re-invest into its producing asset portfolio and to deploy resources toward further organic and inorganic growth in Southeast Asia. Valeura aspires toward value accretive growth for stakeholders while adhering to high standards of environmental, social and governance responsibility.
Additional information relating to Valeura is also available on SEDAR+ at
Advisory and Caution Regarding Forward-Looking Information
Certain information included in this news release constitutes forward-looking information under applicable securities legislation. Such forward-looking information is for the purpose of explaining management's current expectations and plans relating to the future. Readers are cautioned that reliance on such information may not be appropriate for other purposes, such as making investment decisions. Forward-looking information typically contains statements with words such as "anticipate", "believe", "expect", "plan", "intend", "estimate", "propose", "project", "target" or similar words suggesting future outcomes or statements regarding an outlook. Forward-looking information in this news release includes, but is not limited to, statements pertaining to the NCIB and the expected Share purchases thereunder and the Company's business objectives.
Forward-looking information is based on management's current expectations and assumptions regarding, among other things: political stability of the areas in which the Company is operating; continued safety of operations and ability to proceed in a timely manner; continued operations of and approvals forthcoming from governments and regulators in a manner consistent with past conduct; future drilling activity on the required/expected timelines; the prospectivity of the Company's lands; the continued favourable pricing and operating netbacks across its business; future production rates and associated operating netbacks and cash flow; decline rates; future sources of funding; future economic conditions; the impact of inflation of future costs; future currency exchange rates; interest rates; the ability to meet drilling deadlines and fulfil commitments under licences and leases; future commodity prices; the impact of the Russian invasion of Ukraine; royalty rates and taxes; future capital and other expenditures; the success obtained in drilling new wells and working over existing wellbores; the performance of wells and facilities; the availability of the required capital to funds its exploration, development and other operations, and the ability of the Company to meet its commitments and financial obligations; the ability of the Company to secure adequate processing, transportation, fractionation and storage capacity on acceptable terms; the capacity and reliability of facilities; the application of regulatory requirements respecting abandonment and reclamation; the recoverability of the Company's reserves and contingent resources; future growth; the sufficiency of budgeted capital expenditures in carrying out planned activities; the impact of increasing competition; the ability to efficiently integrate assets and employees acquired through acquisitions; global energy policies going forward; future debt levels; and the Company's continued ability to obtain and retain qualified staff and equipment in a timely and cost efficient manner. In addition, the Company's work programmes and budgets are in part based upon expected agreement among joint venture partners and associated exploration, development and marketing plans and anticipated costs and sales prices, which are subject to change based on, among other things, the actual results of drilling and related activity, availability of drilling, offshore storage and offloading facilities and other specialised oilfield equipment and service providers, changes in partners' plans and unexpected delays and changes in market conditions. Although the Company believes the expectations and assumptions reflected in such forward-looking information are reasonable, they may prove to be incorrect.
Forward-looking information involves significant known and unknown risks and uncertainties. Exploration, appraisal, and development of oil and natural gas reserves and resources are speculative activities and involve a degree of risk. A number of factors could cause actual results to differ materially from those anticipated by the Company including, but not limited to: the ability of management to execute its business plan or realise anticipated benefits from acquisitions; the risk of disruptions from public health emergencies and/or pandemics; competition for specialised equipment and human resources; the Company's ability to manage growth; the Company's ability to manage the costs related to inflation; disruption in supply chains; the risk of currency fluctuations; changes in interest rates, oil and gas prices and netbacks; potential changes in joint venture partner strategies and participation in work programmes; uncertainty regarding the contemplated timelines and costs for work programme execution; the risks of disruption to operations and access to worksites; potential changes in laws and regulations, the uncertainty regarding government and other approvals; counterparty risk; the risk that financing may not be available; risks associated with weather delays and natural disasters; and the risk associated with international activity. See the most recent annual information form and management's discussion and analysis of the Company for a detailed discussion of the risk factors.
The forward-looking information contained in this new release is made as of the date hereof and the Company undertakes no obligation to update publicly or revise any forward-looking information, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, unless required by applicable securities laws. The forward-looking information contained in this new release is expressly qualified by this cautionary statement.
This news release does not constitute an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy securities in any jurisdiction, including where such offer would be unlawful. This news release is not for distribution or release, directly or indirectly, in or into the United States, Ireland, the Republic of South Africa or Japan or any other jurisdiction in which its publication or distribution would be unlawful.
Neither the Toronto Stock Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the Toronto Stock Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this news release.
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