Timor-Leste eliminates lymphatic filariasis as a public health problem
DECATUR, Ga., Nov. 12, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - The Mectizan Donation Program applauds Timor-Leste for eliminating lymphatic filariasis (LF) as a public health problem, a remarkable achievement that was recently validated by the World Health Organization (WHO). Timor-Leste is the fifth country in Southeast Asia to achieve this milestone and the first country in the region to do so by co-administering Mectizan, albendazole and diethylcarbamazine (DEC).
Since 2017, Merck (known as MSD outside of the U.S. and Canada), GSK and Eisai have been partnering to donate Mectizan, albendazole, and DEC, respectively, to accelerate the elimination of LF in eligible countries where river blindness is not endemic based on a recommendation of triple drug therapy from WHO. LF, commonly known as elephantiasis, is a debilitating disease caused by a parasite transmitted by mosquitoes. Long-term, chronic infection can cause damage to the lymphatic system, as well as severe and irreversible swelling to the limbs, breasts and/or genitals. These symptoms can cause extreme discomfort, disability and social stigmatization.
“We are delighted to learn of Timor-Leste's success in eliminating LF as a public health problem,” said Allison Goldberg, president, Merck Foundation. “This achievement is a testament to the strength and determination of the Timor-Leste people and the power of public-private partnerships, including the Mectizan Donation Program.”
Thomas Breuer, Chief Global Health Officer at GSK, stated, “We congratulate Timor-Leste for this remarkable achievement. The elimination of lymphatic filariasis as a public health problem in Timor-Leste is demonstrative of the power of effective partnerships and the unwavering commitment of the global NTD community.”
Mectizan Donation Program director Dr. Yao Sodahlon, an expert in tropical diseases who played a vital role in the elimination of LF in Togo, stated, “We celebrate the government of Timor-Leste, the endemic communities who helped distribute the medicines with high coverage demonstrating effectiveness of triple drug therapy, and the partners who made elimination of LF in Timor-Leste possible. This success demonstrates that elimination of LF can be achieved through the donations of these essential medicines, the commitment of the government and people of the endemic countries, and the global partnership working to end LF.”
About the Mectizan Donation Program
The Mectizan Donation Program (MDP) was established in 1987 to provide medical, technical, and administrative oversight of the donation of Mectizan by Merck for the treatment of onchocerciasis, also known as river blindness. In 1998, MDP expanded its mandate to include oversight of the donation of albendazole by GSK for the elimination of lymphatic filariasis in onchocerciasis co-endemic areas.
Contacts MDP: | Joni Lawrence Deputy Director Mectizan Donation Program jlawrence@taskforce.org |
Yao Sodahlon Director Mectizan Donation Program ysodahlon@taskforce.org |
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