GRP Partners with Rimini Street to Support its S/4HANA Systems and Smart Factory Project
Leading private steel manufacturer gains competitive edge by redirecting savings and IT resources towards its Industry 4.0 initiatives
Rimini Street, Inc. (Nasdaq: RMNI), a global provider of end-to-end enterprise software support and innovation solutions, the leading third-party support provider for Oracle, SAP and VMware software, today announced that Gunung Raja Paksi (GRP) has selected Rimini Support™ for S/4HANA to provide comprehensive, proven support for its mission-critical system. This strategic move for the leading Indonesian private steel manufacturer has enabled the funding and staffing of its smart factory project as part of its larger Industry 4.0 initiatives.
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Ivan Widjaksono, head of digital transformation at GRP, shared, “With Rimini Street fully supporting our SAP systems, my team can focus 100% on realizing our Industry 4.0 vision. It’s more than the cost savings they provide, which of course is hugely beneficial to funding our projects, but knowing that we have top-tier SAP support experts on our side at every minute of every day, allows us to direct our attention towards projects that keep us on the competitive forefront.”
“GRP represents the broader manufacturing industry that sees Industry 4.0 as an opportunity to run more efficiently and gain a competitive edge. However, getting there requires finding ways to convert OPEX savings into CAPEX investments to implement hyper-automation solutions such as artificial intelligence (AI) and robotic process automations (RPAs),” said Michael Cortesio, Rimini Street's vice president of manufacturing and industry solutions. “And Rimini Street has a long history of partnering with manufacturing companies to not only fund innovation, but to also deliver strategic advice and expertise on the road to modernization as a trusted partner.”
Rimini Support for SAP: Better, Faster, More Comprehensive Support for Less
For GRP, SAP is the backbone system that collects and governs its floor data. A highly customized system, it pushes the collected data to an AI system that provides analytical reporting, helping to visualize the SAP data with predictive analysis and speed up the decision-making processes.
“Data is everything when it comes to AI. Making sure we have SAP data collection running full-speed is essential to our operations, as the results can help us make fast, on-the-spot and long-term strategic decisions that impact production, cost, profitability, resource planning and more,” said Widjaksono. “We needed a trusted support partner that appreciates the criticality of our S/4HANA systems and its connectivity to the systems that fuel our operations, including the customizations we’ve made to the core. Compared to the vendor and other competitors, Rimini Street was a standout choice.”
The move to Rimini Street came with a multitude of benefits for the manufacturer including:
- Direct access to a named, dedicated Primary Support Engineer (PSE) backed by the expertise and knowledge of hundreds of engineers across the globe
- Industry-leading SLAs with a guarantee of 10-minute response time for priority cases, with an average response time of less than 2-minutes for both P1 and P2 tickets
- Savings of 50% on annual support fees and up to 90% on total support costs
“We’re a manufacturer running 24 hours a day, so our SAP must be running 24 hours a day also. Rimini Street makes that possible,” said Widjaksono.
Rimini Street: A Snowball of Savings and Innovation
GRP, on a mission to reduce costs, achieve operational efficiencies and grow the business, views digital transformation as its answer.
“By having the right information at your fingertips, and not siloed, we can be agile in our decision-making which helps us with growth and profitability,” said Widjaksono.
He refers to Rimini Street as a “snowball of savings and innovation” that allows companies to take the initial savings achieved by choosing Rimini Street and reinvest the funds towards innovation projects that help save even more money.
“If we would have signed on with Rimini Street earlier, we could have accelerated our digital transformation projects. I recommend all business leaders connect with Rimini Street as soon as possible and learn how to partner together to achieve your business objectives,” advised Widjaksono.
Learn more about GRP’s story of innovation in partnership with Rimini Street here.
About Rimini Street, Inc.
Rimini Street, Inc. (Nasdaq: RMNI), a Russell 2000® Company, is a global provider of end-to-end enterprise software support and innovation solutions and the leading third-party support provider for Oracle, SAP and VMware software. The Company offers a comprehensive portfolio of unified solutions to run, manage, support, customize, configure, connect, protect, monitor, and optimize enterprise application, database, and technology software. The Company has signed thousands of contracts with Fortune Global 100, Fortune 500, midmarket, public sector and government organizations who selected Rimini Street as their trusted, proven mission-critical enterprise software solutions provider and achieved better operational outcomes, realized billions of US dollars in savings and funded AI and other innovation investments.
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These statements are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties regarding Rimini Street’s business, and actual results may differ materially. These risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to, adverse developments in and costs associated with defending pending litigation or any new litigation, including the disposition of pending motions to appeal and any new claims; additional expenses to be incurred in order to comply with injunctions against certain of our business practices and the impact on future period revenue and costs; changes in the business environment in which Rimini Street operates, including the impact of any macro-economic trends and changes in foreign exchange rates, as well as general financial, economic, regulatory and political conditions affecting the industry in which we operate and the industries in which our clients operate; the evolution of the enterprise software management and support landscape and our ability to attract and retain clients and further penetrate our client base; significant competition in the software support services industry; customer adoption of our expanded portfolio of products and services and products and services we expect to introduce, as well as the anticipated timing of products and services we expect to introduce in the future; our ability to grow our revenue, manage our cost of revenue and accurately forecast revenue; the expected impact of recent and anticipated future reductions in our workforce and associated reorganization costs; estimates of our total addressable market and expectations of client savings relative to use of other providers; variability of timing in our sales cycle; risks relating to retention rates, including our ability to accurately predict retention rates; the loss of one or more members of our management team; our ability to attract and retain additional qualified personnel, including sales personnel, and retain key personnel; our business plan, our ability to grow in the future and our ability to achieve and maintain profitability; our plans to wind down the offering of services for Oracle PeopleSoft products; the volatility of our stock price and related compliance with stock exchange requirements; our need and ability to raise equity or debt financing on favorable terms and our ability to generate cash flows from operations to help fund increased investment in our growth initiatives; risks associated with global operations; our ability to prevent unauthorized access to our information technology systems and other cybersecurity threats, protect the confidential information of our employees and clients and comply with privacy regulations; our ability to maintain an effective system of internal control over financial reporting; our ability to maintain, protect and enhance our brand and intellectual property; changes in laws and regulations, including changes in tax laws or unfavorable outcomes of tax positions we take, a failure by us to establish adequate tax reserves, or our ability to realize benefits from our net operating losses; the impact of environmental, social and governance (ESG) matters; our credit facility’s ongoing debt service obligations and financial and operational covenants on our business and related interest rate risk, including uncertainty from the transition to SOFR or other interest rate benchmarks; the sufficiency of our cash and cash equivalents to meet our liquidity requirements; the amount and timing of repurchases, if any, under our stock repurchase program and our ability to enhance stockholder value through such program; uncertainty as to the long-term value of Rimini Street’s equity securities; catastrophic events that disrupt our business or that of our clients; and those discussed under the heading “Risk Factors” in Rimini Street’s Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q filed on October 30, 2024, and as updated from time to time by Rimini Street’s future Annual Reports on Form 10-K, Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q, Current Reports on Form 8-K, and other filings by Rimini Street with the Securities and Exchange Commission. 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