FDH Defense Aftermarket Expands Global Distribution Partnership with CIRCOR Aerospace to Include New
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FDH Defense Aftermarket is a military-focused business providing product support solutions to OEMs, governments, and maintenance repair stations with highly specialized expertise and understanding of military missions and challenges, plus access to the resources of affiliate FDH Aero companies.
COMMERCE, Calif., Nov. 13, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- FDH Defense Aftermarket, a specialized division of global aerospace and defense supply partner FDH Aero (“FDH”) dedicated to serving the defense industry’s aftermarket needs, today announced the expansion of its global distribution partnership with CIRCOR Aerospace Inc., a CIRCOR International company (CIRCOR) and a portfolio company of KKR. CIRCOR is a leading provider of highly engineered system, sub-system and components solutions for the global aerospace industry.
The new partnership strengthens FDH Defense Aftermarket’s longstanding role as an authorized distributor for CIRCOR’S Corona, California, facility across seven initial global territories to include an additional 11 territories in the Middle East and Asia Pacific regions and new product lines from CIRCOR’S facility in Hauppauge, New York. The expanded agreement will include distribution support for CIRCOR’s products from Commercial and Government Entity (CAGE) codes: 91816, 66573, 50601, 57090, 9K006, and 1DRT7.
“Today’s announcement represents a pivotal step in FDH Defense Aftermarket’s mission to simplify the supply chain for the defense industry and better serve our customers worldwide,” said FDH Defense Aftermarket Vice-President Alice Zhang. “With this expansion, we’re strengthening our ability to provide OEMs, governments, and maintenance repair stations with a comprehensive portfolio of reliable, high-quality, military-focused solutions.”
Lou Vogt, Senior Director of Sales & Business Development at CIRCOR, added, “CIRCOR is pleased to extend our partnership with FDH Defense Aftermarket, whose proven capabilities and global reach make them an ideal partner to deliver our products to foreign military customers. We are confident that this expansion will allow us to serve our customers even more effectively.”
FDH Defense Aftermarket, formerly known as Unical Defense, is a military-focused business providing product support solutions to OEMs, governments, and maintenance repair stations with highly specialized expertise and understanding of military missions and challenges, plus access to the resources of affiliate FDH Aero companies.
About CIRCOR Aerospace & Defense Group
CIRCOR Aerospace & Defense is focused on the design, development, and manufacture of specialty fluid and motion control products for demanding aerospace and defense applications. CIRCOR products are flying on most commercial and military aircraft, including single and twin aisle air transport, business and regional jets, military transports and fighters, and commercial and military rotorcraft. Other markets include unmanned aircraft, shipboard applications, and military ground vehicles.
Business units are in California, Massachusetts, New York; Paris, France; Uxbridge, UK; and Tangier, Morocco. Parent company CIRCOR International, Inc. is headquartered in Burlington, Massachusetts and CIRCOR Aerospace & Defense is headquartered in Corona, California.
About FDH Aero
FDH Aero is a trusted global supply chain solutions partner for aerospace and defense companies, helping to shape the industry by simplifying the supply chain. With over 60 years of experience, it specializes in hardware, electrical, consumables & expendables, licensed products, and value-add services for global OEM and aftermarket customers. FDH is headquartered in Commerce, California, and has operations across the Americas, EMEA and APAC. FDH Aero – named a Best Places to Work in Aviation in 2024 – has locations in 14 countries across the globe, with more than 1,500 best-in-industry employees and over 650,000 square feet of inventory space.
For more information, please visit FDHAero.com.
Heather Rosenow
Vice President, Global Marketing & Communications, FDH Aero
A photo accompanying this announcement is available at https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/a7eb4490-085c-4cfe-9062-27946990d81c
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