Brains Bioceutical Announces the Addition of Industry Veteran John Boshart to its Animal Health Divi
VANCOUVER, British Columbia, May 06, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Today marks a pivotal development for Brains Bioceutical Corp ("Brains Bio"), as it significantly strengthens its Veterinary Health Division. This enhancement is led by John Boshart, a distinguished figure in animal health with profound experience from his tenures at Pfizer Animal Health and Zoetis. His arrival signifies a strategic consolidation of talent and expertise aimed at redefining standards within the veterinary sector.
Brains Bio’s Animal Health Division is empowered by the unique properties of its THC-free CBD API, which boasts an ultra-low detection limit of 0.000006%. This EU-GMP Certified API is pivotal in clinical and preclinical studies, including a Phase III Clinical Trial, highlighting its potential for therapeutic applications in veterinary medicine.
The CBD API is supported by rigorous regulatory credentials, including ICH-Q7 compliance, an actively maintained EU Active Substance Master File (ASMF), and a US Drug Master File (DMF) filed with the FDA. These certifications ensure the highest standards of quality and regulatory compliance essential for veterinary use.
The core of Brains Bio’s enhanced Veterinary Health Division lies in its focused approach to pharmaceutical development, specifically tailored to meet the nuanced needs of the animal health sector. Recognizing the unique challenges and opportunities in veterinary medicine, the division is dedicated to pioneering the development of cannabinoid-based pharmaceuticals that offer targeted, safe, and effective treatments for animals.
This strategic focus is driven by a deep understanding of the physiological and medical requirements specific to different animal species. Through rigorous research and development, combined with stringent safety and efficacy testing, Brains Bio aims to deliver a portfolio of advanced therapeutic solutions that will not only improve health outcomes but also enhance the quality of life for animals globally.
John Boshart's appointment as Vice President of Veterinary API and Business Development, reflects Brains Bio's commitment to leveraging extensive pharmaceutical expertise and cutting-edge research to advance animal health care. The division will utilize Brains Bio’s exclusive cannabinoid science combined with one of the limited global licenses to manufacture cannabinoid products specifically for veterinary use. This powerful combination of scientific acumen and legal empowerment sets a robust foundation for innovation in animal wellness and care.
Ricky Brar, CEO of Brains Bio, emphasized the strategic nature of this development: "By enhancing our Veterinary Health Division, we are not just expanding; we are redefining the role of innovative solutions in the veterinary landscape. Under the seasoned leadership of John Boshart and supported by our unmatched scientific resources, we are poised to set new benchmarks in the industry. This expansion represents a significant stride towards our vision of making a global impact by providing groundbreaking solutions to the critical health challenges facing animals worldwide."
The expansion is well-timed, as the global veterinary care market is experiencing rapid growth, driven by increased pet ownership and greater emphasis on animal health and longevity. According to a report by Grand View Research, the global animal prescription market is projected to reach approximately $58 billion by 2026. This projection underscores the vast potential and critical need for innovative health solutions within this space. Full details on the market projections can be found at: Grand View Research Report on Global Veterinary Care Market.
John Boshart shares his vision for his new role: "Leading this dynamic initiative at Brains Bio is an exhilarating opportunity to apply both my industry experience and our company’s unique capabilities toward advancing animal health care globally. Our division is uniquely positioned to spearhead significant developments in veterinary health, driven by a combination of scientific excellence, robust licensing, and strategic partnerships. The potential to transform how health care is delivered to animals is tremendous, and I am committed to ensuring we achieve substantial and meaningful impacts as well as robust growth."
Brains Bio is the leader in evidence-based and science-led pioneer of natural plant-based health and wellness solutions.
Brains Bio is a leading manufacturer of the highest quality natural and pure active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs), with a unique suite of licenses and registrations, and is strategically positioned to take advantage of the complex regulatory environment, securing its first mover and product quality advantage. Brains Bio is diversified across the pharmaceutical, medical, and nutraceutical sectors within the rapidly growing cannabinoid market, resulting in a strong and unique value proposition.
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Twitter: @BrainsBio, LinkedIn: @BrainsBio, Instagram: @BrainsPure
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