Bitget Wallet Launches $20M Telegram Mini-App Support Program with Foresight Ventures

VICTORIA, Seychelles, Nov. 13, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - Bitget Wallet, a leading non-custodial Web3 wallet, has launched the Telegram Mini-App Support Program in collaboration with Bitget and Foresight Ventures. This program aims to support the development of innovative projects that enhance Telegram's mini-app ecosystem, creating new opportunities for developers and projects within the thriving digital space. This initiative comes with a $20M fund and aims to foster the growth of the Telegram platform while offering valuable support to developers.
The Telegram Mini-App Support Program offers key benefits for projects aiming to make a significant impact on Telegram's mini-app ecosystem. With a dedicated $20M fund, the initiative supports the development of innovative mini-apps and tools, providing both financial resources and operational support. Bitget Wallet will provide technical including access and guidance to its OmniConnect developer kit as well as operational and marketing support including access to its vast Telegram wallet user base for community building. Selected projects will gain opportunities for strategic partnerships with leading Telegram mini-app projects, potential listings on Bitget, and investment support from Foresight Ventures. This comprehensive approach empowers developers to bring their ideas to life and contribute to the growing digital economy within Telegram's ecosystem.
The program will focus on three key areas: user onboarding and educational tools, which simplify entry for new users through intuitive UI/UX and educational resources; financial and security infrastructure, supporting the development of decentralized exchanges (DEX), NFT trading, and secure asset management features to enhance Telegram's crypto utility; and mini-app ecosystem expansion, promoting the development of gaming, social, entertainment, and other interactive applications. Projects that drive user adoption, active usage, and secure asset storage are encouraged, helping Telegram grow its ecosystem while fostering long-term user engagement.
Bitget Wallet has amassed a user base of over 40 million and now become the most downloaded multi-chain Web3 wallet. It has pioneered the integration of the TON and Telegram ecosystem, partnering with over 40 mini-app projects. A standout success is its investment in Tomarket, a Telegram mini-app on TON, which gained over 40 million users within three months, highlighting Bitget Wallet's strong incubation capabilities. With recent initiatives, like Bitget Wallet Lite — a multi-chain Telegram wallet that quickly became the largest of its kind. With over 8 million users in two weeks — Bitget Wallet offers users a secure way to purchase, manage, and transfer cryptocurrency within Telegram. Additionally, its OmniConnect developer kit enables Telegram Mini Apps to seamlessly connect with Bitget Wallet for transaction signing, DApp interaction, and multi-chain transactions, leveraging Telegram’s nearly one billion users as a robust platform for scaling digital innovations.
Further details regarding the Telegram Mini-App Support Program will be revealed soon. Alvin Kan, COO of Bitget Wallet, announced this program at WalletCon during Devcon 7 Southeast Asia. "This grant reflects our vision to accelerate the growth of the Telegram ecosystem and empower developers to create next-gen solutions that drive active user participation. We believe Telegram provides the ideal platform for developers to reach new users and build impactful applications, and we are excited to see the next wave of innovation emerge from our partnership with prominent projects in this ecosystem."
To apply for Telegram Mini-App Support Program, please visit:
About Bitget Wallet:
Bitget Wallet is the home of Web3, uniting endless possibilities in one non-custodial wallet. With over 40 million users, it offers comprehensive on-chain services, including asset management, instant swaps, rewards, staking, trading tools, live market data, a DApp browser, and an NFT marketplace. Designed for everyone from beginners to advanced traders, it supports mnemonic, MPC, and AA wallet options. With connections to over 100 blockchains, 20,000+ DApps, and 500,000+ tokens, Bitget Wallet enables seamless multi-chain trading across hundreds of DEXs and cross-chain bridges, along with a $300 million protection fund for your digital assets.
Experience Bitget Wallet Lite and follow Bitget Wallet Lite News for updates.
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A photo accompanying this announcement is available at
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