Ribera del Duero 杜埃罗河岸葡萄酒——品之,便知之!
葡萄酒大师(MW)Tim Atkin说:杜埃罗河岸是一个充满活力、趣味十足、与时俱进的葡萄酒产区!得益于土壤类型、海拔高度和产区特点,杜埃罗河岸葡萄酒呈现出巨大的多样性。而最好的,尚在未来。
金秋已至,杜埃罗河岸葡萄酒2024巡展也正式拉开了序幕!10月,代表杜埃罗河岸葡萄酒生产商的非营利性组织“杜埃罗河岸葡萄酒(Ribera del Duero)”携手27家西班牙杜埃罗河岸精品葡萄酒庄,10月22日在北京朝阳悠唐皇冠假日酒店、10月25日在上海新天地安仕达酒店和10月28日在广州希尔顿酒店举办了盛大的巡展活动!
大师班之后,在每个城市邀请了2位当地知名行业媒体对杜埃罗河岸葡萄酒的营销总监Pablo Baquera Peironcely先生和国际市场推广Alicia Fernández Herrero女士进行了采访,围绕杜埃罗河岸的风土、历史、市场展开了别开生面的答疑解惑,进一步深入了解杜埃罗河岸葡萄酒,从而通过媒体的力量传达给更多的葡萄酒爱好者、经销商、进口商。
Young but experienced (overview)
1982年,杜埃罗河岸葡萄酒委员会(Ribera del Duero)作为产地名称监管委员会正式成立。经过了42年的努力,获得的成就令人惊叹。
In 1982, the Ribera del Duero Wine Committee(Ribera del Duero)was officially established as the Place of Origin Name Regulatory Committee. After 42 years of hard work, Ribera del Dueroachievements are astonishing.
This is a vibrant and interesting wine from a Denominacion de Origen (DO). Due to the diversity of soil types, elevations, and zones, the wines produced by Ribera del Duero truly reflect the enormous diversity of the region. This is also the existence of the Ribera del Duero that ensures the authenticity and quality of the wines produced in the region.
Ancient and historic wine growing regions (history)
The grape cultivation and winemaking history of Ribera del Duero can be traced back to the 4th-5th centuries AD, and there are still many relics from the ancient Roman era that exist today.
Currently, Ribera del Duero can produce high-quality wine and has become a leading wine growing region in the world.
Ribera del Duero was established in July 1982 by a few wineries and cooperatives. Currently, 317 wineries and 7419 grape growers are members of the regulatory committee. Each member of the Ribera del Duero is a brave and bold modern avant-garde, breaking through numerous obstacles in winemaking and approaching consumers, maintaining that wine originates from a deep respect for the land, rigorous effort, constant sacrifice, and always prioritizing quality over quantity, creating a diverse range of lifestyles and experiences.
The wine of the Ribera del Duero has become an essential scenery on the international stage. This encompasses the wishes and dreams of all wine practitioners along the banks of the Ribera del Duero, who take pride in the potential and quality of the wines they cultivate.
The unique terroir has created unparalleled wines of the Ribera del Duero
(Geographical location, climate, soil, variety, planting and brewing)
The Ribera del Duero region is located in the northern sub-plateau (Duero River Valley) of the Central Plateau between Madrid and the Central System, and the Cantabrian Mountains and Montes de Leon. Appellation that extends along the Duero river. The total length is 115 kilometers from East (near San Esteba de Gormaz - Soria) to West (Quintanilla de Onésimo - Valladolid). And with 35 kilometers at the widest point and 6 km at the narrowest point.
The climate is Mediterranean with a continental character in the Ribera del Duero.In the long and hard winters, the climate is continental, windy and very cold with temperatures that drop down to -20ºC.; The summer is Mediterranean, hot and dry, with a large temperature difference between day and night, the rainfall is scarce, with a moderate/low average annual rainfall below 400mm/year.
There are 33 types of soils in the Duero valley. With 3 main types; Clay Limestone and stony.
杜埃罗河岸的主要葡萄品种是丹魄(占总公顷数的95.9%),被称为Tinta del País或Tinto Fino。另外,白色品种阿比洛梅尔占1.7%,赤霞珠占1.1%,梅洛占0.8%,加纳丁塔占0.3%,马尔贝克占0.2%。
The main variety grown in Ribera del Duero is Tempranillo (95,9% over total hectares), known as Tinta del País or Tinto Fino in the area. Other varieties such as: White variety Albillo Mayor (1,7%), Cabernet Sauvignon (1,1%), Merlot (0.8%), Garnacha Tinta (0,3%), Malbec (0,2%).
In the Ribera del Duero region, Tempranillo can be blended with the rest of varieties, but it must have at least 75% of Tempranillo in red wines.
As of the end of 2023, the vineyards along the Ribera del Duero cover an area of 27252 hectares, with 317 wineries and 7419 grape growers. The annual production reaches 117.6 million kilograms, and the maximum production allowed by laws and regulations is 7000 kilograms per hectare (an average of 4390 kilograms per hectare in the past 15 years, producing 90.7 million bottles of wine).
Ribera del Duero Wine originated from historical sects, adhering to tradition but with avant-garde ideas. Wine makers use passionate emotions to make wine, just to win the hearts of the world.
For more information about DO Ribera del Duero, please visit the official website (Spanish/English)
the end
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