Introducing Lumi Global’s next chapter: A unified platform and enhanced website for impactful meetin
LIPHOOK, United Kingdom, Nov. 18, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Lumi Global, a leader in meeting engagement technology and elections, today announced the launch of its newly redesigned website and the enhanced Lumi Platform, a consolidated solution designed to elevate the experience of annual general meetings (AGMs), investor relations, member meetings, and elections. These milestones signify Lumi Global’s expanded vision and steadfast commitment to seamless, intuitive experiences for the meetings that matter.
With a refreshed digital presence and platform, Lumi Global empowers clients to bring together stakeholders across a broad range of meeting types with ease and efficiency where they can interact and make informed decisions in real time.
The Lumi Platform: A unified solution for all critical meetings and elections
The Lumi Platform centralizes Lumi Global’s capabilities in a single, cohesive solution, offering robust support across key segments—investor relations, AGMs, and member meetings. Key features include:
Unification across markets: The Lumi Platform seamlessly integrates with all core meeting types, ensuring consistency and efficiency across varying audiences and formats.
Scalability: Designed for organizations of any size, the platform adapts to everything from intimate meetings to large-scale global events, providing reliable performance and flexibility.
Customization: With tailored configurations, branding options, and customizable features, each organization can create a unique, engaging experience that resonates with their stakeholders.
A website built with user experience at its core
The new website showcases Lumi Global’s dedication to innovative, client-focused solutions, presenting a refreshed visual identity and easy-to-navigate design. Key improvements include:
Streamlined navigation: Users can quickly access Lumi Global’s products and services, discovering tools that align with their specific needs.
Enhanced resources: A comprehensive library of insights and best practices supports clients as they develop and refine their engagement strategies.
Mobile-friendly design: Optimized for all devices, the website provides a consistent experience whether users are at their desks or on the go.
“At Lumi Global, we believe exceptional meetings require an exceptional experience—one that is innovative and meets the high standards our clients expect,” said Richard Taylor, CEO of Lumi Global. “Our new website and enhanced platform are a testament to our commitment to driving meaningful engagement and supporting the critical meetings that shape organizations and their futures.”
“Our enhanced platform and new website reflect Lumi Global’s commitment to delivering innovative, client-centered solutions that simplify and enhance critical meetings,” said Sylvie Harton, Chief Business Strategy Officer of Lumi Global. “This launch is a key step in empowering our clients to create impactful, seamless engagements across AGMs, investor relations, and member meetings.”
The enhanced Lumi Platform and new website are now live, reinforcing Lumi Global’s place as a powerful, unified solution in the meeting engagement and elections market. Visit to explore Lumi Global’s offerings and experience the enhanced platform firsthand.
About Lumi Global
Lumi powers the meetings and elections that matter for the world’s most trusted decisions, ensuring seamless, engaging experiences for in-room and online participants. Lumi’s cutting-edge technology and unique global presence empowers informed decision-making. With 30 years of industry leadership, Lumi simplifies the complex, delivering stress-free, flawless meetings that foster accountability and meaningful engagement.
Media Contact:
Sylvie Harton
Chief Business Strategy Officer
Lumi Global
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