GBI Announces Class of 2024 Green Globes and Guiding Principles Compliance Fellows
PORTLAND, Ore., Nov. 19, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Green Building Initiative (GBI) celebrates the recognition of ten individuals with distinctions of Green Globes Fellow (GGF) and Guiding Principles Compliance Fellow (GPCF). GBI’s Fellow program, introduced in 2021, recognizes those who have demonstrated outstanding success in the improvement of the built environment through GBI’s Green Globes certification and/or Guiding Principles Compliance verification systems and promote sustainable, resilient buildings that promote health and wellness for users.
Green Globes Fellows and Guiding Principles Compliance Fellows are expert users of GBI programs who contribute to the shaping of GBI’s educational content and tool development and are regarded as exceptional leaders in the green building industry who drive meaningful change. These design, construction, and sustainability professionals drive innovation and support others' commitments to reduce the impacts of climate change.
“GBI is honored to recognize the Class of 2024 Fellows for their leadership to create a more sustainable, healthy, and resilient built environment through standards development participation and advocacy of third-party assessment,” said Vicki Worden, GBI’s President & CEO. “We welcome these passionate and accomplished professionals to this highly respected community and celebrate their contributions to our industry.”
Members of the 2024 Class of Green Globes Fellows include:
- Richard Manning, AIA, GGF, GPCP, LEED Fellow | RWDI
- Jamie Carr PE, GGF, Fitwel Ambassador, LEED AP BD+C, NGBS Master Verifier, PHIUS Certified Builder | Eco Achievers
- James Reinertsen, AIA, GGF, LEED AP BD+C, LEED AP O+M | Sustainable Design Consulting
- Nathan Elliott, AIA, GGA, GGF, NCARB, LEED AP BD+C | eA Architecture and Design, Inc.
- Laurie Colwander, EarthCraft TA, Fitwel Ambassador, GGF, HERS Rater, LEED Green Rater, NGBS Green Verifier | Southern Energy Management
- Frank Sullivan, GGF, LC, CCP, STS-C | Kiewit
- Michael Lehman, CLCP, GGF, IES, LC, LEED AP ID+C, LFA | Leviton
Members of the 2024 Class of Guiding Principles Compliance Fellows include:
- Kendra Clarke, EcoDistricts AP, GPCF, LEED AP BD+C | Michael Baker International
- Saya Amiri, AIA, GPCF, NCARB | Tetra Tech
- Amari Roskelly, GGP, GPCF, LEED AP BD+C | Jacobs
Green Globes and Guiding Principles Compliance Fellows maintain a valid Green Globes Professional (GGP) or Guiding Principles Compliance Professional (GPCP) credential, have completed at least 10 Guiding Principles Compliance projects or 10 Green Globes certifications, have volunteered 10 or more hours on a GBI committee or have conducted five external presentations on the subject, and have completed the application and provided three sponsor testimonials to attest to the quality of work provided.
GBI will begin accepting applications for the Green Globes and Guiding Principles Compliance Fellow Class of 2025 on May 1. Those interested can review program requirements and access the application at Applications received prior to September 1 will be eligible for the Class of 2025.
About GBI
GBI is an international nonprofit organization and American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Accredited Standards Developer dedicated to improving the built environment’s impact on climate and society. Founded in 2004, the organization is the global provider of Green Globes®, Green Globes Journey to Net Zero™, and federal Guiding Principles Compliance building assessment and certification programs. GBI also issues professional credentials, including Green Globes Professional (GGP), Green Globes Emerging Professional (GGEP) and Guiding Principles Compliance Professional (GPCP). To learn more about opportunities to become involved with GBI, contact or visit the GBI website at
Media Contact
Megan Baker
GBI Vice President of Engagement
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