Asahi Group Launches Global Sustainability Initiative: The Challenge Calls for Startups and Scaleups
Asahi Forest
Asahi Forest, a 2,467 ha forest managed by Asahi Group in Japan. It is a home to over 668 plant species and 60 bird species.
Asahi Forest
TOKYO, Nov. 19, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Asahi Group Holdings, Ltd. announces the launch of the Sustainability Growth Platform, kicking off with The Challenge (Environment)—a global call for startups and scaleups to advance groundbreaking environmental solutions. This initiative aligns with Asahi's goal of achieving net zero across its value chain by 2040.
"Asahi is committed to sustainability, and The Challenge reflects our dedication to forging partnerships that drive impactful change," said Drahomira Mandikova, Chief Sustainability Officer at Asahi Group Holdings. "By working with innovative startups, we aim to accelerate progress toward a more sustainable future."
In collaboration with Antler Ibex, the corporate innovation arm of the globally recognized venture capital firm Antler, Asahi will leverage industry expertise and Antler's vast network to advance innovative sustainability solutions. "Together with Antler Ibex, we're ready to support bold ideas that bring us closer to our net-zero goal," added Mandikova.
The Challenge (Environment) invites startups and scaleups worldwide to tackle key sustainability themes, including:
- Sustainable Agriculture & Raw Materials
- Renewable Energy & Efficiency
- Sustainable Packaging & Circular Economy
- Water Conservation & Efficiency
- Sustainable Transportation
- Sustainable Product Design & Market Models
- New Impact Business Models
Nathan Jackson, of Circular Ventures at Asahi Beverages, highlighted the importance of venture collaboration: “I’m continually inspired by the level of innovation coming from startups and venture capital firms in the sustainability space. The Challenge allows us to bring the best ideas into Asahi, supporting our sustainability journey while helping startups scale their solutions. Together, we can create meaningful impact.”
Selected participants will have the opportunity to:
- Build strategic relationships with Asahi and its network of venture capital firms and industry leaders
- Access Asahi’s proprietary ecosystem of expertise, data, and specialized tools
- Develop potential commercial partnerships to drive sustainable innovation
Baz Saidieh, Global Partner at Antler, echoed the initiative's spirit: “Solving the world’s biggest challenges requires collaboration and bold thinking. We’re thrilled to support Asahi on their net-zero journey through our innovation platform, Ibex. The startup and scaleup ecosystem is not just an opportunity—it’s a critical foundation for success. Great things are never built by individuals alone; they are built by teams that push the boundaries together.”
Apply to The Challenge (Environment) here:
Application Deadline: 00:01 GMT, Friday, November 29, 2024
About Asahi Group Holdings
Asahi Group Holdings, Ltd. is a global leader offering a diverse collection of brands centered on beer, alcohol and non-alcohol beverages, and food. Our mission is to deliver on our great taste promise and bring more fun to life. Established in Japan in 1889, the Group has always been committed to innovation and quality. This dedication has brought together iconic brands and the expertise of renowned breweries from around the world, including those with a rich heritage spanning over centuries. Our approach has culminated in a globally recognized portfolio of brands that includes premium beers such as Asahi Super Dry, Peroni Nastro Azzurro, Kozel, Pilsner Urquell, and Grolsch. “Make the world shine” articulates Asahi Group’s commitment to build connections among people, thereby paving the way for a sustainable future together. Through these connections, we can contribute to a brighter world, both today and in the future. With a global presence primarily in Japan, Europe, Oceania, and Southeast Asia, we provide over 10 billion liters of beverages to consumers worldwide and generate revenues of over JPY 2.7 trillion annually. Headquartered in Japan, Asahi Group Holdings is listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange (Prime Market: 2502.T).
Nathan Jackson, Circular Ventures, Asahi Beverages Pty. Ltd.
About Antler Ibex
Ibex, the corporate innovation arm of Antler, is designed as a sector-specific innovation and investment platform. It aims to assist corporations in transforming their approach to technological development by fostering collaborations with startups. Through Ibex, corporates can better navigate the complexities of growth, ensuring that their partnerships with startups lead to measurable and impactful outcomes.
Antler is one of the most active early-stage investors globally. The firm leads in ‘Day Zero’ investing, an approach to venture capital focused on partnering with founders pre-launch. Antler systematically removes capital and network constraints for early-stage technology entrepreneurs by providing co-founder matching, deep business model validation, initial capital, expansion support, and follow-on funding. Antler is present in 27 cities across most leading technology ecosystems globally and has made over 1,300 investments into early-stage startups, with the goal of backing more than 6,000 by 2030. For further information about Ibex please see here.
Rike Döpp Bergérus, VP of Global Communications
Photos accompanying this announcement is available at:
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