Bureau Veritas Ranked Among Top-Performing Companies in the S&P Global Rating (DJSI)
NEUILLY-SUR-SEINE, France--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Bureau Veritas is honored and proud to announce that it has improved its ESG performance in the S&P Global Corporate Sustainability Assessment (CSA), achieving a score of 84/100 for 2024. This places the company as #2 among 184 companies in the Professional Services Industry category - which encompasses the TIC sector.
This achievement is the result of advancements in environmental, social and governance (ESG) areas. On the environmental front, the company has seen improvements in its Environmental Policy and Management. Socially, the focus has been on enhancing Customer Satisfaction. In terms of governance, Bureau Veritas has leveraged good practices in Transparency and Reporting, as well as Risk and Crisis Management.
This recognition marks the sixth consecutive year that Bureau Veritas has been ranked among the top-performing companies in the Dow Jones Sustainability Indices (DJSI). This reflects the company's continuous efforts to be a role model in the industry in terms of sustainability thanks to its 83,000 “Trust Makers” across the organization.
Bureau Veritas is a world leader in inspection, certification, and laboratory testing services with a powerful purpose: to shape a world of trust by ensuring responsible progress. With a vision to be the preferred partner for customers’ excellence and sustainability, the company innovates to help them navigate change.
Created in 1828, Bureau Veritas’ 83,000 employees deliver services in 140 countries. The company’s technical experts support customers to address challenges in quality, health and safety, environmental protection, and sustainability.
Bureau Veritas is listed on Euronext Paris and belongs to the CAC 40 ESG, CAC Next 20, SBF 120 indices and is part of the CAC SBT 1.5° index. Compartment A, ISIN code FR 0006174348, stock symbol: BVI.
For more information, visit www.bureauveritas.com, and follow us on LinkedIn and X/Twitter.
The Corporate Sustainability Assessment (CSA) is an annual evaluation of companies’ sustainability practices. Covering over 13,000 companies globally, the CSA uses a consistent, rule-based methodology with specific approaches for 62 different industries. There are approximately 110 questions for each industry, with each question falling under one of approximately 23 different themes or criteria. The criteria, in turn, fall under one of the three dimensions: Environmental (“E”), Social (“S”), and Governance & Economic (“G”). Some criteria are common across industries, while others are industry specific. The CSA generates a total ESG score for every company covered as well as individual scores for the three dimensions, with 100 being the best score in each case.
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