Gordon Brothers Offering for Sale by Private Treaty Workboat A.M.S. Swissco and Barge A.M.S. 1806
Vessels represent a unique opportunity to acquire versatile, robust assets suitable for a range of maritime applications
Sydney, Nov. 24, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Gordon Brothers, the global asset experts, is offering for sale by private treaty two commercial vessels, the A.M.S. Swissco and A.M.S. 1806, presenting a unique opportunity for buyers seeking versatile, robust assets suitable for a range of maritime applications.
Built in 2012 by Jiangsu Suyang Marine Co. Ltd., A.M.S. Swissco is a shallow draft, high-performance workboat flagged in Australia and located in Singapore. The 28-meter vessel, powered by two CAT 3412C DITA engines and supported by two CAT 3406C DITA generators, has a bollard pull of 18 tons making it ideal for demanding, shallow-water operations. With a clear deck space of 110 square meters, A.M.S. Swissco delivers operational precision, power and reliability.
Constructed in 2015 by Nantong Tongde Shipbuilding & Repairing Co., A.M.S. 1806 is a flattop barge built for heavy and oversized cargo transport. The barge, flagged in Singapore and located at Polaris Harwood Marine Dockyards in Harwood, NSW, Australia, features a high deck strength of 20 tons per square meter and a gross tonnage of 1,086 making it a durable, adaptable solution suited to a variety of industrial maritime needs.
“These vessels represent a tremendous opportunity for buyers to acquire multipurpose maritime assets through private treaty,” said Oliver Veart, Director, Commercial & Industrial at Gordon Brothers. “The versatility and durability of A.M.S. Swissco and A.M.S. 1806 make them invaluable assets in the maritime industry. We are excited to bring these vessels to market and believe they will fulfill a variety of operational needs for discerning buyers.”
For further information including ship specifications or to schedule a viewing, visit Gordon Brothers’ website.
Gordon Brothers has established a dedicated marine services and valuations practice that leverages decades of experience buying, selling and valuing assets in the commercial and industrial economy across Australia, Brazil, Canada, the U.K., Europe, Japan and the U.S. The firm provides advisory services including fleet and vessel renewal analysis, disposition and investment strategies.
About Gordon Brothers
Since 1903, Gordon Brothers has maximized liquidity through realizable asset value by providing the people, expertise and capital to solve business challenges. Our firm’s integrated solutions across asset services, lending, financing and trading give clients the insights, strategies and time to optimize asset values throughout the business cycle. We work across the full spectrum of assets globally with deep expertise in retail, commercial, industrial, brands and real estate. We are headquartered in Boston with over 30 offices across North America, Europe, the Middle East and Africa, and Asia Pacific.
Lauren Nadeau
Gordon Brothers
+1 (617) 422 6599
Georgia Quinn
Gordon Brothers
+61 (0) 451 767 448
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