Acronis Announces #TeamUp Partnership with Digacore and the New York Yankees
Digacore together with Acronis will provide best-in-class cyber protection services and security software to the New York Yankees front office
NEW YORK, March 01, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Acronis, a global leader in cyber protection, today announced its latest strategic partnership with the New York Yankees, which will be supported by Digacore, a managed services company that provides proactive, expert-driven IT consulting and management to transform businesses.
The Acronis #TeamUp Program exclusively offers managed service providers (MSPs) an opportunity to partner with global sports teams to keep their data safe. Through this partnership, Digacore will provide the New York Yankees with Acronis’ innovative cyber protection including Acronis Cyber Protect Cloud, Acronis Advanced Backup, and Acronis Advanced Security.
“We are thrilled to embark on this partnership with Digacore via the Acronis #TeamUp Program,” said Mike Lane, New York Yankees Senior Vice President and Chief Information Officer. “The foundation of safety offered by Digacore’s best in class cybersecurity tools will allow us to focus our IT efforts toward achieving technological efficiencies and bottom-line company objectives rather than spending time and valuable resources on defensive measures to prevent and parry cyberattacks. Our databases and proprietary systems are essential to our success both on and off the field, and having confidence in their integrity and privacy through our partnership with Digacore is an asset for the Yankees that cannot be overstated.”
The use of Acronis Cyber Protect Cloud, a backup and recovery solution enhanced with endpoint protection and a security management toolkit for centralized monitoring, is part of Acronis’ suite of solutions to optimize cybersecurity and data management capabilities. Acronis Cyber Protection provides the safety, accessibility, privacy, authenticity, and security (SAPAS) services required to protect professional sports teams in the digital era.
"This announcement with the globally renowned team, the New York Yankees, marks a significant milestone for Acronis and our expanding #TeamUp Program,” said Pat Hurley, RVP Americas at Acronis. “Partnering with Digacore, we’re set up for success in elevating the team’s sports technology capabilities and advancements. Together, we're not only safeguarding the data of a legendary franchise but also shaping the future of cyber protection in professional sports."
The partnership agreement will provide Digacore, as the MSP, with powerful sports marketing and business development opportunities including the entitlement of Yankee Stadium's Banquet & Conference Center which will be renamed the Digacore Banquet and Conference Center.
“As the chosen MSP for the Acronis #TeamUp program, we are honored to play a pivotal role in this innovative collaboration,” said Jacob Berezin, Director of Business Development, at Digacore. “Our expertise in delivering top-tier managed services aligns seamlessly with Acronis's commitment to integrating robust IT infrastructure and advanced cybersecurity measures. The commitment to innovation and excellence mirrors our own values, making this partnership a natural fit. We are excited about the opportunities that lie ahead and look forward to a mutually beneficial journey with Acronis and the New York Yankees."
Service providers are invited to join the Acronis #TeamUp Program to deliver Acronis Cyber Protection solutions to world-class and global professional sports teams. To learn more about Acronis’ #TeamUp Program, please visit:
About New York Yankees
Founded in 1903, the New York Yankees are the most successful and popular team in Major League Baseball history, having won 27 championships while appearing in 40 World Series. The club plays its home games at Yankee Stadium, which is one of New York City’s most-frequented tourist destinations and home to numerous non-baseball events, including college football’s Bad Boy Mowers Pinstripe Bowl. As a result of their on-field accomplishments and iconic interlocking “NY” logo, the Yankees are among the most recognized brands in the world.
About Digacore Technology
Simplifying Managed IT and Cybersecurity for Every Business, local expertise with nationwide reach.
At Digacore, we've streamlined Managed IT and Cybersecurity solutions, catering to the unique needs of small to medium size businesses and large corporations alike. Our commitment to excellence is driven by a set of core values that guide our every endeavor.
Digacore Technology is a USA based company, founded in New Jersey. Digacore has more than 120+ Employees in multiple locations, Servicing over 200+ businesses with over 1000+ locations across the United States
About Acronis
Acronis unifies data protection and cybersecurity to deliver integrated, automated cyber protection that solves the safety, accessibility, privacy, authenticity, and security (SAPAS) challenges of the modern digital world. With flexible deployment models that fit the demands of service providers and IT professionals, Acronis provides superior cyber protection for data, applications, and systems with innovative next-generation antivirus, backup, disaster recovery, and endpoint protection management solutions powered by AI. With advanced anti-malware powered by cutting-edge machine intelligence and blockchain based data authentication technologies, Acronis protects any environment - from cloud to hybrid to on premises - at a low and predictable cost.
Acronis is a Swiss company, founded in Singapore. Celebrating two decades of innovation, Acronis has more than 1,800+ employees in 45 locations. Acronis Cyber Protect solution is available in 26 languages in over 150 countries and is used by 20,000+ service providers to protect over 750,000 businesses.
Press Contacts:
Julia Carfagno
A photo accompanying this announcement is available at
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