Cisco and NTT DATA Partner to Empower Global Mobile Workforce with Simplified Access to 5G Connectiv
Expanded global partnership and co-innovation enhance secure, cost-effective wireless access, digital services, and experiences for mobile enterprises across 180 countries.
Cisco, worldwide technology leader and NTT DATA, a global digital business and IT services leader, today announced an expanded partnership to transform how global enterprises access wireless connectivity.
As demand for flexible and cost-effective connectivity surges, Cisco and NTT DATA are responding with a unified solution backed by world-class support services from both companies. Historically, connectivity has focused on connecting office environments through landlines. However, with the advent of eSIM in the market, the time has come to think broader and deliver network connectivity securely wherever needed.
Cisco and NTT DATA's expanded partnership propels their vision of delivering exceptional, secure, and innovative digital services to meet the surging demand for flexible connectivity. The partnership will leverage Cisco’s eSIM technology, initially embedded into Cisco infrastructure solutions. The eSIM will connect to NTT DATA’s Transatel network, enabling customers to activate, provision, and configure Cisco solutions ‘out of the box’, for a simplified provisioning and setup process to launch secure mobile branches anywhere, on-demand with ongoing enhanced network device management.
Cisco’s eSIM technology will be the cornerstone of this transformation, paving the way for digital connectivity. With eSIM technology at its core, enterprises can easily scale and manage their network needs, ensuring their networks are always connected and optimized for peak performance.
By integrating Cisco’s networking technologies and NTT DATA’s global connectivity capabilities, the two companies will empower enterprises to effortlessly connect to the network, using cellular technologies for primary or secondary connectivity. This advancement will provide faster onboarding to connectivity with ease and ensure new levels of security and resilience, paving the way for the future of enterprise connectivity.
Supported by this collaboration, enterprises will be able to activate, manage, and monitor Cisco infrastructure, connecting to NTT DATA’s Transatel network, remotely across 180 countries while benefiting from simple and flexible pricing plans. The initiative promises to transform the digital experience for mobile workforces worldwide.
“There are multiple use cases across industries such as retail, manufacturing, hospitality, financial services and others, where there is a real need to standup secure mobile branch services at short notice,” said Andrew Brown, Practice Lead IoT Research, Omdia. “The need to lower setup and installation costs as well as provide vital services, such as backup in a managed and secure end-to-end fashion are pivotal to customers. This integration between Cisco and NTT DATA will simplify and streamline the process of getting customers up and running at scale and will provide an excellent complement to fixed line offerings.”
“With NTT DATA, we strongly believe we can enable a faster, simpler and more convenient way for enterprises to securely connect their organizations through an enhanced setup and provisioning process,” said Masum Mir, SVP/GM, Cisco Provider Mobility. “This collaboration is a game-changer for the enterprise market as it delivers a variety of valuable use cases, such as on-demand SD-WAN, fast scaling for 5G carriers, and edge computing for IoT applications.”
“Together with Cisco, NTT DATA is setting a new standard for enterprise connectivity and customer experiences,” said Shahid Ahmed, Group Executive Vice President of Edge Services at NTT DATA. “This partnership will deliver the future of connectivity today, allowing businesses to focus on their digital transformation journeys without worrying about the complexities of network management.”
Empowering modern industries
The joint solution and services from Cisco and NTT DATA are expected to benefit numerous industries, including:
- Financial Services: Ensuring uninterrupted services delivery with simplified management of branch and temporary location connectivity and enhanced security measures.
- Retail: Enabling omnichannel experiences with increased resilience for PoS systems backup, security and mobility for pop up locations and customers.
- Hospitality: Centralizing and simplifying cellular connectivity management across multiple locations for seamless guest experiences as well as providing convenient and secure connectivity for events, outdoor activities and systems backup
- Manufacturing: Reducing downtime with self-provisioning connectivity solutions that enable rapid secure deployments for remote locations.
“Today’s mobile and distributed enterprises face increasing pressure to simplify operations while accessing real-time, high-quality data for faster, more informed decision-making. Seamless, secure, and scalable connectivity solutions are now essential for unlocking innovation and growth in a connected world,” said Alejandro Cadenas, Associate Vice President at IDC and mobility, 5G and IoT lead in Europe. “These advancements reflect a broader shift toward democratizing access to advanced connectivity solutions, ensuring organizations of all sizes can capitalize on emerging opportunities with agility and confidence.”
About Cisco
Cisco (NASDAQ: CSCO) is the worldwide technology leader that securely connects everything to make anything possible. Our purpose is to power an inclusive future for all by helping our customers reimagine their applications, power hybrid work, secure their enterprise, transform their infrastructure, and meet their sustainability goals. Discover more on The Newsroom and follow us on X at @Cisco.
Cisco and the Cisco logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Cisco and/or its affiliates in the U.S. and other countries. A listing of Cisco's trademarks can be found at Third-party trademarks mentioned are the property of their respective owners. The use of the word partner does not imply a partnership relationship between Cisco and any other company.
NTT DATA is a $30+ billion trusted global innovator of business and technology services. We serve 75% of the Fortune Global 100 and are committed to helping clients innovate, optimize and transform for long-term success. As a Global Top Employer, we have diverse experts in more than 50 countries and a robust partner ecosystem of established and start-up companies. Our services include business and technology consulting, data and artificial intelligence, industry solutions, as well as the development, implementation and management of applications, infrastructure and connectivity. We are also one of the leading providers of digital and AI infrastructure in the world. NTT DATA is part of NTT Group, which invests over $3.6 billion each year in R&D to help organizations and society move confidently and sustainably into the digital future. Visit us at
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