NIKE, Inc. Appoints Treasure Heinle as Executive Vice President and Chief Human Resources Officer
Monique Matheson, NIKE’s long-tenured Chief HR Officer, will retire after 26 years with the company
NIKE, Inc. (NYSE: NKE) today announced a change to its Senior Leadership Team (SLT). Treasure Heinle, Chief Talent Officer, will become the company’s new Executive Vice President and Chief Human Resources Officer (CHRO). In her new role, Heinle will be responsible for leading the global HR function and managing NIKE’s People vision and strategy. She succeeds Monique Matheson who has decided to retire from NIKE after 26 years with the company. This leadership change is effective January 6, 2025.
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“Treasure is a well-rounded leader who, during her extensive career, has successfully worked across all aspects of the HR function,” said Elliott Hill, President & CEO, NIKE, Inc. “She has a strong record of bringing the best to NIKE, driving a winning culture and building inclusive, world-class teams that deliver on the company’s growth strategy.”
As a member of the company’s SLT, Heinle will report to Hill. She began her career at NIKE in 2012 as VP, HR Business Partner for North America. Since then, she has led Business HR for the company’s Global Operations and Global Consumer & Marketplace teams, before being named the company’s Chief Talent Officer in 2022. Prior to joining NIKE, Heinle held HR leadership positions at Danaher, Tektronix and In-Focus. A native of Portland, Ore., Heinle is a graduate of the University of Oregon.
Matheson joined NIKE in 1998 and held HR leadership positions across the company before taking on the CHRO role in 2017.
“Throughout her career, Monique has been committed to creating a high-performance workplace, prioritizing the teammate experience and establishing NIKE as a top talent destination,” said Hill. “We are grateful for her many contributions and wish her all the best in her retirement.”
About NIKE, Inc.
NIKE, Inc., based near Beaverton, Oregon, is the world's leading designer, marketer and distributor of authentic athletic footwear, apparel and equipment for a wide range of sports and fitness activities. Wholly-owned NIKE, Inc. subsidiary brands include Converse, which designs, markets and distributes athletic lifestyle footwear, apparel and accessories; and Jordan Brand, which designs, markets and distributes athletic and casual footwear, apparel and accessories.
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