Kyung-Ah Kim Named as President and Chief Executive Officer of Samsung Bioepis
First time in Samsung's history to name a non-founder female Chief Executive Officer
INCHEON, South Korea, Nov. 27, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Samsung Bioepis Co., Ltd. today announced that Kyung-Ah Kim, who has been serving as Executive Vice President and Development Division Leader, has been named as President and Chief Executive Officer of Samsung Bioepis. Kim will succeed Christopher Hansung Ko, who has been appointed to lead Samsung Future Business Division.
Kim, a veteran scientist with more than 20 years of experience in biologic development, has been serving as Development Division Leader since December 2021, overseeing all of Samsung Bioepis' product development cycle across various therapeutic areas. Since joining Samsung Bioepis in December 2015, she has been serving various leadership posts within Development Division. Prior to joining Samsung Bioepis, Kim worked as Principal Scientist and later as Vice President at Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology (SAIT) leading Biotherapeutics Group focusing on development of antibody therapeutics targeting oncology. Before joining SAIT, she worked as a scientist/head of cell biology at multiple biopharmaceutical companies, leading various projects on development of therapeutic agents, including genetic sequencing and profiling, development of drug screening assays, pre-clinical assessment, pharmacological assessment, and functional assessment of antibodies.
Kim holds a Ph.D in neurotoxicology from The Johns Hopkins University where she established signal transduction pathway, specifically in the learning impairment caused by genetic perturbation in lead poisoning.
About Samsung Bioepis Co., Ltd.
Established in 2012, Samsung Bioepis is a biopharmaceutical company committed to realizing healthcare that is accessible to everyone. Through innovations in product development and a firm commitment to quality, Samsung Bioepis aims to become the world's leading biopharmaceutical company. Samsung Bioepis continues to advance a broad pipeline of biosimilar candidates that cover a spectrum of therapeutic areas, including immunology, oncology, ophthalmology, hematology and endocrinology. For more information, please visit: and follow us on social media – X, LinkedIn.
Anna Nayun Kim,
Yoon Kim,
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