Bureau Veritas completes the acquisition of The APP Group, strengthening its Buildings & Infrast
Bureau Veritas, a global leader in Testing, Inspection, and Certification services, today announced that it has completed the acquisition of The APP Group, a leading Australian Property and Infrastructure leader, as stated in its communication to the market on November 4th, 2024. The company is headquartered in Sydney and delivered revenues of €87 million in 2023.
This press release features multimedia. View the full release here: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20241201814044/en/
This acquisition is in line with Bureau Veritas’ LEAP | 28 strategy to expand leadership in Buildings and Infrastructure, diversifying its portfolio and investing in an attractive regional market. It will strengthen the Group’s Buildings and Infrastructure capabilities by adding significant project management assistance expertise to asset owners, as well as construction management, independent project verification and certification and benefiting from a leverageable regional scale.
“I am delighted to welcome our new colleagues from The APP Group. This is a major step forward in the execution of our LEAP | 28 strategy. The combined expertise of Bureau Veritas and The APP Group is not only strengthening our position in the Australian market but also providing us with a robust and sustainable platform to support B&I services growth in the wider Asia Pacific region,” said Hinda Gharbi, Chief Executive Officer of Bureau Veritas. “Bringing a team of more than 500 employees and access to a pool of over 200 specialist sub-consultants, the integration of The APP Group now establishes our position as a partner of choice to government, infrastructure owners, large corporations and private companies.”
About Bureau Veritas
Bureau Veritas is a world leader in inspection, certification, and laboratory testing services with a powerful purpose: to shape a world of trust by ensuring responsible progress.
With a vision to be the preferred partner for its customers’ excellence and sustainability, the company innovates to help them navigate change.
Created in 1828, Bureau Veritas’ 83,000 employees deliver services in 140 countries. The company’s technical experts support customers to address challenges in quality, health and safety, environmental protection, and sustainability.
Bureau Veritas is listed on Euronext Paris and belongs to the CAC 40 ESG, CAC Next 20, SBF 120 indices and is part of the CAC SBT 1.5° index. Compartment A, ISIN code FR 0006174348, stock symbol: BVI.
For more information, visit www.bureauveritas.com, and follow us on LinkedIn.
About The APP Group
The APP Group is a leader in Australian Property and Infrastructure, as a trusted partner, working together with clients and key stakeholders to create possibilities and shape progress for the organizations themselves and the communities they serve. Operating an integrated services model across the full asset capital investment lifecycle in the key sectors: Transport, Property, Social Infrastructure, Modern Methods of Construction, Energy & Utilities and Defense & Security.
The APP Group team provide market leading service solutions, expertise and advice to help tackle Australia’s most complex projects and challenges, backed by a 500 plus-strong nationwide team.
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