SmartDV Licenses SDIO IP Family to RANiX for V2X Products
Collaboration will enhance communication and connectivity in ISO 26262 compliant V2X systems, accelerating innovation for safer and smarter automotive systems and vehicles
SAN JOSE, Calif., Dec. 02, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- SmartDV™ Technologies, provider of flexible, highly configurable, customizable semiconductor design IP (intellectual property) and VIP (verification IP), is proud to announce the licensing of its SDIO IP family to RANiX for integration into their V2X (Vehicle-to-Everything) products. This collaboration supports the development of advanced automotive communication solutions that enable safer, smarter, and more connected vehicle ecosystems.
SDIO IP from SmartDV offers robust, high-performance data transfer capabilities critical to the seamless functionality of V2X systems. SDIO interfaces allow for efficient communication between processors and memory devices, goes beyond storage to integrate and control memory operations while connecting external peripherals, supporting high performance and reliability in complex systems. These IP cores facilitate reliable communication between automotive components, enhancing connected vehicle technologies such as vehicle safety communications, real-time traffic updates, and driver assistance features.
To meet RANiX’s unique design goals, SmartDV will customize the IP to go beyond the standard SDIO functionality—thereby empowering RANiX to differentiate from their competitors. SmartDV will also provide RANiX with the requisite support and documentation to achieve ASIL certification for ISO 26262.
"Integrating SmartDV’s customized SDIO IP into our V2X products strengthens RANiX’s ability to deliver highly reliable, high-performance communication solutions for connected vehicles,” attested Shawn Lee, Managing Director, RANiX. “This collaboration enhances our mission to make transportation safer, smarter, and more connected, setting new benchmarks in automotive innovation."
“With our family of SDIO IP, we aim to empower V2X product developers at RANiX to accelerate innovation and provide next-generation solutions that redefine transportation safety and efficiency,” added Mohith Haridoss, Global Sales Director, SmartDV Technologies. “Our solutions exemplify SmartDV’s commitment to advancing connectivity in automotive technologies—and the customizations we’re undertaking for RANiX shine a light on a key advantage customers can leverage in selecting SmartDV as their trusted IP vendor.”
SmartDV continues to be a key partner in delivering cutting-edge IP solutions tailored to the evolving needs of the automotive industry around the globe.
About RANiX
RANiX is a leader in Industry 4.0, specializing in Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) technology and delivering innovative semiconductor solutions for automotive and smart living technologies. With a strong focus on R&D, we develop advanced chips and systems for autonomous vehicles, IoT, and cybersecurity. Our V2X modem, software stacks, and security chips achieve unparalleled ECDSA performance, enhancing connected car safety. Leveraging over 16 years of expertise, RANiX provides solutions that are trusted by global automotive leaders. We integrate Tiny-ML, AI, and ESG principles to advance connected and autonomous vehicles. RANiX is driving human-centric innovation, creating a safer, more efficient, smarter world.
Learn more about RANiX at and connect with us on LinkedIn.
About SmartDV
At SmartDV Technologies™, we believe there’s a better way to approach semiconductor intellectual property (IP) for integrated circuits. We’ve been focused exclusively on IP since 2007—so whether you’re sourcing standards-based design IP for your next SoC, ASIC, or FPGA, or seeking verification solutions (VIP) to put your chip design through its paces, you’ll find SmartDV’s IP straightforward to integrate. By combining proprietary SmartCompiler™ technology with the knowledge of hundreds of expert engineers, SmartDV can customize IP to meet your unique design objectives: quickly, economically, and reliably. Don’t allow other suppliers to force one-size-fits-all cores into your chip design. Get the IP you need, tailored to your specifications, with SmartDV: IP Your Way.
Learn more about SmartDV at and connect with us on LinkedIn.
SmartDV, SmartDV Technologies, SmartDV NA, SmartCompiler, IP Your Way, and the SmartDV logo are trademarks of SmartDV Technologies India Private Limited. Any and all other trademarks present in this release are the property of their respective owners. All rights reserved.
Media Contact
McKenzie Ross
Vice President of Marketing, SmartDV
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