Mavenir to Present Go-Forward Corporate Strategy at Annual Global Analyst Event in Dallas
Two-day event will preview Mavenir’s strategic initiatives and forward-looking roadmap to invited international audience of analysts, customers and partners
RICHARDSON, Texas, Dec. 04, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Mavenir, the cloud-native network infrastructure provider building the future of networks, will hold its annual analyst event from December 11 – 12, 2024 to discuss the company’s ongoing work to drive the Mobile Network digital transformation and reinforce its presence within the telco industry as the cloud-native, software-driven infrastructure provider focused on building open, disaggregated and AI-enabled networks of the future. During the event, Mavenir will present its cutting-edge advancements, strategic initiatives and go-forward strategy to global analysts, customers and partners.
The highlight of the event will be analyst-moderated fireside chats with Mavenir’s senior leadership team that will touch upon the company’s entire solution portfolio, including Open RAN (radio and vRAN) and Mobile Core technologies (IMS, Packet Core, Digital Enablement, Messaging, Security). Senior leaders will also discuss the company’s promising momentum, including its recent recognition at the 2024 Global Telecoms Awards, where its Network Intelligence as a Service won the Advancing Artificial Intelligence Award. Several Mavenir customers and partners will also present on recent technological innovations and successful deployments enabled by Mavenir technology around the world.
Session highlights include:
- Comprehensive Portfolio Updates: Showcasing Mavenir’s robust portfolio tailored to meet operator needs for network monetization and cost efficiency.
- Learnings and Future Strategy: Key insights which will help us further accelerate Open RAN brownfield deployments through differentiation and innovation.
- Continued Investments in IMS Core Portfolio: Plans on how Mavenir is strengthening its IMS Core Portfolio, building on its existing foundation that supports hundreds of millions of subscribers across various services, including mobile, fixed, residential, and enterprise. The growth plan focuses on capitalizing on the incumbent base, targeting opportunities to replace incumbent vendors and expand Mavenir’s growing portfolio.
- Capitalizing on High Growth Packet Core Portfolio: Mavenir’s converged packet core is experiencing rapid growth in the 5G segment, driven by increasing demand for use cases such as FWA, satellite communications, private networks, edge computing, and the rising tide of IoT/connected device traffic. As the only cloud-native, ground-up, full-suite offering of packet core network functions, we will cover how Mavenir is uniquely positioned to capitalize on the industry’s shift towards automation, AI/ML, energy efficiency, and other key use cases.
- Growth and Customer Acquisition: Plans to leverage Mavenir’s comprehensive end-to-end (E2E) portfolio and capture promising 5G monetization opportunities with cloud-native solutions.
- Sustainability: How Mavenir’s commitment to energy-efficient, sustainable solutions is bolstering operational excellence across E2E networks.
- Operator Challenges: Addressing network service assurance challenges faced by Communication Service Providers (CSPs) using AI/ML-powered Network Intelligence as a Service, paving the way for Level 4 automation.
- Innovation Through Partnerships: Insight into third-party collaboration focused on fostering innovation across diverse domains.
Mavenir President & CEO Pardeep Kohli, who will open the two-day event by presenting the company’s go-forward strategy, said: “Mavenir is not just an equipment vendor – we are playing an active role in redefining the Network of the Future, built on our unrivalled technical innovation and unique understanding of the strategic possibilities open to Communication Service Providers through network transformation. We look forward to meeting with the global telco analyst community and allowing them to hear first-hand from Mavenir’s experienced team about our technology advancements, strategic partnerships and ongoing commitment to sustainability.”
Notes to Editors
Mavenir Global Analyst Event Overview: December 11th – 12th 2024
This two-day Global Analyst Event will highlight Mavenir’s Open-RAN readiness, featuring customer success stories that demonstrate performance and scalability, as well as strategic collaborations with innovators driving advancements across diverse domains. Mavenir will outline its strategies to accelerate Open RAN brownfield deployments, focusing on differentiation and innovation, and unveil plans to drive business growth by leveraging its comprehensive end-to-end portfolio and capturing new 5G monetization opportunities through cloud-native solutions. Sustainability will also take center stage, with a focus on energy-efficient solutions ensuring operational excellence, while Mavenir’s AI/ML-powered Network Intelligence as a Service will address pressing operator challenges in Network Service Assurance. By showcasing its robust portfolio, Mavenir will reinforce its role as a visionary in advancing innovative and sustainable telecommunications solutions, paving the way for a new era in network transformation. Please contact for more information.
About Mavenir
Mavenir is building the future of networks today with cloud-native, AI-enabled solutions which are green by design, empowering operators to realize the benefits of 5G and achieve intelligent, automated, programmable networks. As the pioneer of Open RAN and a proven industry disruptor, Mavenir’s award-winning solutions are delivering automation and monetization across mobile networks globally, accelerating software network transformation for 300+ Communications Service Providers in over 120 countries, which serve more than 50% of the world’s subscribers. For more information, please visit
Media Contacts
Mavenir PR Contacts:
Emmanuela Spiteri
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