Fluke Networks Adds Advanced Wi-Fi 6E Troubleshooting Capabilities to LinkIQ
New LinkIQ Duo combines cable, Wi-Fi, and network testing in one easy-to-use solution
Everett, Washington, Dec. 09, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Fluke Networks today announced the availability of the LinkIQ™ Duo Cable+WiFi+Network Tester, which combines the company's trusted cabling qualification with Wi-Fi 6E network testing and analysis into a single, simple-to-use solution, eliminating the need for technicians to use multiple tools.
The introduction of the LinkIQ Duo advanced Wi-Fi testing capabilities is well-timed to meet the unique challenges and requirements technicians face with the rapid adoption of Wi-Fi 6E. According to industry reports, approximately 5.2 million Wi-Fi 6E access points are expected to be shipped in 2024 – up from 1.5 million in 2022 – representing a significant increase as businesses seek to upgrade their network infrastructure to support more devices and bandwidth-intensive applications.
LinkIQ Duo combines the Fluke Networks award-winning cable testing with active network and Wi-Fi testing to make it easier to understand Wi-Fi environments. These capabilities are indispensable both when installing and troubleshooting wireless networks. LinkIQ Duo eliminates the time-consuming effort for swapping and using multiple incomplete or complex tools, and includes all the features necessary for troubleshooting Wi-Fi connection and performance issues and identifying the location, availability, and configuration of access points – in a package that's convenient whether wandering a site, looking under a desk, or on the top of a ladder.
The LinkIQ Duo allows technicians to validate each link of the connection between the Wi-Fi user and the network to ensure maximum performance by:
- Qualifying the performance of the cabling between the network and the access point up to 10 Gb/s – critical to the performance of today's high-speed Wi-Fi networks.
- Validating the connectivity to the switch along with the maximum data rates of the switch port.
- Determining if there is sufficient power (PoE) available for the task.
- Verifying connectivity to key assets such as a Wi-Fi controller.
- Checking the configuration of the access point as well as the wireless environment in which it is operating.
The LinkIQ Duo also flags common configuration errors such as use of an illegal channel for the detected region or non-recommended channel; access points that overlap with an adjacent access point unless one is low power; and weak security settings.
“When installing and troubleshooting networks and devices, our customers wanted an easier, more cost-effective way to manage active network testing,” said Mark Mullins, product marketing manager and founding member of Fluke Networks. “LinkIQ combines the testing they need into a one, affordable package that is simple to use and understand, ensuring each link of the connection between the Wi-Fi user and the network works properly for maximum performance.”
About Fluke Networks
Fluke Networks is the worldwide leader in certification, troubleshooting, and installation tools for professionals who install and maintain critical network cabling infrastructure. From installing the most advanced data centers to restoring service on the factory floor, our combination of legendary reliability and unmatched performance ensure jobs are done efficiently. The company's flagship products include the innovative LinkWare™ Live, the world's leading cloud-connected cable certification solution with over one hundred million results uploaded to date. For more information, call 1-800-283-5853 (US, Canada), 1-425-446-5500 (International) or visit www.flukenetworks.com.
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For more information:
Dave Smith
Fluke Corporation
Rebecca Rader
Resonate Communications
Georgia Marchant
Fluke Corporation
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