Cloudera Accelerates Enterprise AI with RAG Studio Preview
RAG chatbots offer enhanced accuracy and improved reliability that generic chatbots lack
SANTA CLARA, Calif., Dec. 10, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Cloudera, the only true hybrid platform for data, analytics, and AI, today announced the launch of its Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) Studio. RAG Studio empowers enterprises to deploy RAG chatbots using their real-time enterprise data in just minutes. This no-code solution makes AI applications more accessible to non-technical users, fosters collaboration between business and IT teams in AI development, and democratizes AI tools for broader user adoption. By leveraging secure, trusted, real-time data—whether on-premises or in the cloud—RAG Studio enables enterprises to unlock the value of AI through cutting-edge technology.
As chatbots become a popular AI use case, businesses face the ongoing risk of inaccurate responses. One study found ChatGPT had a success rate ranging from .66% to 89% depending on the task. RAG is a powerful AI paradigm that combines the strengths of retrieval-based systems and generative AI. It enables enhanced accuracy and contextual relevance, with improved explainability and trust. RAG-enabled chatbots significantly reduce hallucinations by answering questions based on real-time, enterprise-specific data rather than relying on general information. Success rates can be improved by providing business context to already trained LLMs with trusted enterprise data.
Benefits that RAG Studio offers Cloudera customers include:
- Maximizing the value of enterprise data: Cloudera customers operate in complex, data-rich environments with both structured and unstructured data spread across hybrid and multi-cloud ecosystems. RAG empowers them to effectively leverage this data by integrating it into AI workflows, enabling dynamic retrieval and contextual responses.
- Enabling scalable and cost-effective AI solutions: Scaling AI solutions in enterprise often involves challenges such as high compute costs, model retraining complexities, and ensuring robust data governance. RAG addresses these issues by reducing reliance on compute-intensive generative models, integrating with Cloudera’s platform to deliver cost-efficient and secure AI workflows, and eliminating constant model fine-tuning.
- Driving explainable and trustworthy AI for enterprise use cases: Enterprises, particularly in regulated industries like healthcare, finance, and government, require trusted AI solutions. RAG enhances Cloudera's AI stack with built-in explainability and traceability by linking generated outputs directly to enterprise-approved data sources. This helps to ensure AI decisions are based on verifiable, auditable data and provides transparent reasoning behind AI-driven recommendations.
“From faster customer support to more informed product development, the benefits of RAG span an entire business,” said Abhas Ricky, Cloudera’s Chief Strategy Officer. “Our no-code RAG Studio delivers rapid prototyping, prebuilt integrations, and operational efficiency. Enterprises have a lot of pressure to get their AI strategy right, and this program is part of Cloudera’s commitment to accelerating enterprise AI.”
As part of the launch of this preview, Cloudera invites design partners to partake in demos and offer feedback on the development of the solution. Participation in RAG Studio gives Cloudera customers the opportunity to work directly with Cloudera in the development of RAG solutions to identify capabilities that deliver the most business and technical value.
Enterprises interested in participating in RAG Studio should reach out to our Cloudera team.
About Cloudera
Cloudera is the only true hybrid platform for data, analytics, and AI. With 100x more data under management than other cloud-only vendors, Cloudera empowers global enterprises to transform data of all types, on any public or private cloud, into valuable, trusted insights. Our open data lakehouse delivers scalable and secure data management with portable cloud-native analytics, enabling customers to bring GenAI models to their data while maintaining privacy and ensuring responsible, reliable AI deployments. The world's largest brands in financial services, insurance, media, manufacturing, and government rely on Cloudera to use their data to solve what seemed impossible—today and in the future.
To learn more, visit and follow us on LinkedIn and X. Cloudera and associated marks are trademarks or registered trademarks of Cloudera, Inc. All other company and product names may be trademarks of their respective owners.
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