FRESCA™ Mixed Helps Fans Keep Drinks Cool and Hands Warm with Après Ski’s Hottest New Accessory—the
The ready-to-drink cocktail brand is giving fans 21 and older the chance to win a limited-edition FRESCA Mixed Muff – a reinvention of the iconic winter accessory designed to keep hands warm (and stylish) while keeping their premium drink cold.
CHICAGO, Dec. 10, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- As the weather cools down, FRESCA™ Mixed is moving from the country club to the ski lodge, releasing its cheeky twist on a winter fashion staple of yesteryear and bringing it back – the muff. A dream for fashion and cocktail connoisseurs alike, the FRESCA Mixed Muff is designed by renowned designer and sartorial darling, Christian Cowan, whose designs have been showcased at some of the biggest fashion events across the globe.
FRESCA® is no stranger to cold weather. In fact, the New York launch of the non-alcohol brand in 1967 occurred during a blizzard. A nod to the unique launch history of FRESCA, the FRESCA Mixed Muff extends upon the brand's exclusive yet accessible vibe, since everyone deserves to sip on a fabulous drink, and look even better while doing it.
Although some people prefer to hang out in the lodge while others head straight to the slopes, everyone can agree on sporting their best alpine chic accessories for an après ski happy hour. With the help of Cowan, FRESCA Mixed is excited to introduce the FRESCA Mixed Muff, an elevated muff that was designed with plush, luxurious faux fur. It pairs perfectly with any FRESCA Mixed flavor – complete with a convenient compartment so fans can sip in style while their drink stays cold.
“The winter fashions of the past had so much glamour, so we wanted to introduce some of that to the modern age with the FRESCA Mixed Muff,” said Cowan. “Pulling inspiration from the cheeky personality of FRESCA Mixed, the FRESCA Mixed Muff is both sophisticated, fun and functional, making it the perfect accessory to slip on after hitting the slopes for a drink with friends.”
From now to Dec. 19, fans 21 and older can head to and enter for a chance to win their very own limited-edition FRESCA Mixed Muff, plus a $50 Sponsor-specified gift card, to accompany their new favorite winter accessory.
“Fresca Mixed is so excited to kick-off the winter season with our take on the classic winter accessory – the muff – with a uniquely FRESCA Mixed twist,” said Elana Blank, Senior Director, FRESCA Mixed. “FRESCA Mixed is known for infusing crisp twists into familiar favorites, which is something that Christian Cowan knows a thing or two about, so he was the perfect partner to help bring our vision for the FRESCA Mixed Muff to life.”
For more information on how to enter the FRESCA Mixed Après Ski Muff Sweepstakes and keep up with all things FRESCA Mixed, visit and follow @FrescaMixed on Instagram.
NO PURCHASE NECESSARY. Open only to legal residents of the 50 U.S. and D.C., 21 or older. Starts 10:00 AM (ET) on 12/9/24 and ends 11:59 PM (ET) on 12/19/24. The Fresca Mixed Après Ski Muff Sweepstakes is sponsored by Crown Imports LLC. No alcohol awarded with prizes. Void where prohibited. For complete details, see Official Rules at
FRESCA™ Mixed is a line of premium, pre-mixed cocktails crafted with the deliciously signature citrus taste of FRESCA® and real vodka or tequila. Constellation Brands produces, distributes and markets FRESCA™ Mixed featuring the classic signature citrus taste of FRESCA® with a flavorful twist. FRESCA™ Mixed is produced under authorization from Red Tree Beverages.
Stephanie McGuane
Photos accompanying this announcement are available at
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