WeightWatchers Unveils Next-Gen Program With AI-Powered App Features
With access to Registered Dietitians, 150+ New ZeroPoint® Foods and smarter tracking features, the new program delivers a cutting-edge, flexible approach to holistic weight management
NEW YORK, Dec. 10, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- WeightWatchers (NASDAQ: WW) (“WeightWatchers,” “WW,” or the “Company”) today announced the launch of its innovative next-gen program, introducing advanced features designed to make weight management more personalized and sustainable. The program includes: insurance-covered access to registered dietitians for one-on-one nutritional guidance; an AI-powered food scanner that uses photo recognition to track Points® instantly; a recipe importer that uses AI to calculate Points for dishes from any website; an expanded list of over 150 new ZeroPoint® foods requiring no tracking, weighing or measuring1; and detailed macronutrient insights for a more comprehensive approach to nutrition.
A Media Snippet accompanying this announcement is available by clicking on this link.
“We’re thrilled to deliver even greater freedom and flexibility to our community with this new program focused on elevated nutrition guidance and holistic weight management,” said Dr. Michelle Cardel, WeightWatchers Chief Nutrition Officer, PhD, MS, RD. “Our millions of members now have access to registered dietitians who can craft personalized meal plans and set tailored macronutrient targets – viewable right in the app – to align with their unique health goals, such as increased muscle mass. Coupled with over 350 ZeroPoint Foods that encourage healthier choices and accessible options, this program truly offers something for everyone.”
The new program comes on the heels of WeightWatchers’ recent expansion of clinical solutions, offering access to compounded semaglutide, in addition to name-brand and generic weight-loss medications, for those who qualify. In fact, when combined with the WeightWatchers Points Program, members lose up to 56% more weight than individuals on medications alone.2
“We’re always looking for ways to create effective offerings that make building healthy habits easier and reinforce our commitment to a holistic model of care, whether you’re eligible for and using medications or not,” continued Cardel.
The new program provides a complete ecosystem of solutions, with a focus on nutrition, which remains central to WeightWatchers’ promise to help members achieve their weight health goals:
- Personalized Nutrition Counseling with Registered Dietitians: To provide even more personalized and direct nutritional support, members in the United States can now connect virtually with a Registered Dietitian through the WeightWatchers app for as low as $0 with qualified insurance coverage3. This allows members to work with a trusted healthcare provider, specialized in nutrition, to focus on their individual food and nutrition behaviors to help them lose weight, feel their best, and reach their goals.
- New ZeroPoint Foods: The addition of over 150 new ZeroPoint Foods, nutritional powerhouses that serve as the foundation of healthy eating, now includes select cuts of dark chicken, turkey, and lean meats, as well as oats and starchy vegetables such as potatoes, plantains, and parsnips. The added ZeroPoint foods increase choice, livability and drive healthier weight loss as part of WeightWatchers #1 doctor-recommended Points Program4 - a proven method for helping members achieve 3.5x more weight loss and healthier lifestyles than standard nutritional guidance5.
- Food Scanner: Now members can seamlessly log their Points in the app by snapping and uploading a photo of their food. Using artificial intelligence, the app will do the work to provide the ingredients, portions, and Points in a matter of seconds—making it even easier to track and maintain goals.
- Recipe Analyzer: Members can now easily paste the URL from any recipe online into their WeightWatchers app to instantly receive a calculation of the Points. This new tool analyzes the contents of the recipe to provide a quick tracking experience, saving time and eliminating the guesswork.
- Macronutrient Insights: The ability to see macronutrient data has been a popular request from members to accompany their Points. This added nutrient summary includes protein, carbohydrates, fat, fiber and sodium, and provides a more holistic picture for members who wish to gain deeper personalized nutrition insights.
“We are deeply dedicated to our members’ success, continuously investing in innovations that make it easier and more effective to sustain their progress,” said Donna Boyer, WeightWatchers Chief Product Officer. “These new features are inspired by member feedback and designed to seamlessly integrate WeightWatchers into their everyday lives, wherever they are on their weight health journey.”
WeightWatchers’ enhanced, holistic model of care is transforming lives, with members reporting a 20% improvement in quality of life.6 By integrating personalized, accessible clinical support for eligible members with science-based behavioral tools—and fostering connection through a community of members that’s millions strong—the new WeightWatchers program delivers unmatched support to help members achieve and sustain their goals.
About WW International, Inc.
WeightWatchers is the global leader in science-backed weight management, providing an accessible, holistic model of care through our #1 doctor-recommended Points® Program, clinical interventions including weight-loss medications, and community support. Since 1963, we have empowered our millions of members to build healthy habits to live longer lives. Our innovative, trusted spectrum of solutions provides members with the tools and resources they need to reach and sustain their goals wherever they are on their journey. To learn more visit weightwatchers.com or corporate.ww.com.
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1 ZeroPoint foods account for all of the nutrition information that Points do, including calories. WeightWatchers does not provide portion suggestions for ZeroPoint Foods. It is about what is right for you and is a signal that incorporating more ZeroPoint Foods has nutritional benefits and tracking flexibility. It does not mean an individual should go from three times a week to three times a day or two servings in one sitting to four servings in one sitting.
2 Based on an ongoing 12 week WW study among 101 members. This analysis included 46 members at 8 weeks who were prescribed Naltrexone and Bupropion. Study to be completed in January 2025.
3 Copays, coinsurance, and deductibles may apply; for those with partial or no coverage, additional payment methods are available.
4 Points® are calculated based on an individuals’ metabolic rate - determined by age, height, weight, and sex assigned at birth. Every food and drink has a Points value based on its calories, protein, added sugar, saturated fat, unsaturated fat, and fiber. Foods higher in protein, unsaturated fat, and fiber will be less points, while foods higher in calories, added sugar and saturated fat will be more points.
5 Based on a 6-month randomized controlled trial (n=376) that compared participants following WW to those given standard nutritional guidelines alone. Palacios et al. 2024. Manuscript under review. Funded by WW International, Inc.
6 Based on a 6-month randomized controlled trial (n=376) that compared participants following WW to those given standard nutritional guidelines alone. Palacios et al. 2024. Manuscript under review. Funded by WW International, Inc.
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