Unlocking Capital: Over 20k traders unlocked their trading potential with Axi Select
SYDNEY, Dec. 12, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- As the dust settles on the aftermath of the carnage within the prop trading industry, the demand to access capital without the need to part with upfront costs, restrictive trading conditions and other impediments has remained unchanged. This has led online broker Axi to change the narrative by creating a new model, Axi Select, to meet traders’ demands. The program, launched in 2023, has become a source of optimism for ambitious traders and continues to gain increasing momentum. Within a year since its launch, over 20k traders have traded with Axi Select, with many reaching significant milestones and accessing funding amounts of $100k, $200k, and $500k.
Leveraging all the advantages of being an online broker, with Axi Select, retail traders now have the opportunity to trade on a fair and structured program with trading conditions and tools geared towards increasing their profit potential. With access to capital without the upfront costs, traders can, therefore, focus on what truly matters - their trading performance. Many traders often aim to harness market opportunities using small accounts, often leading to over-leveraging and the creation of unnecessary risks. With the conventional barriers removed, this shift raises an important question: if traders can now access capital and trade in a fair environment without any upfront fees — why would anyone not join Axi Select?
Why is Axi Select right for retail traders?
Besides the generous funding that Axi Select offers and the high profit share, Axi Select prides itself on its all-inclusive offering with the intention to provide the tools traders require to assist them on their trading journeys. Such additional tools include a leaderboard and a dashboard where traders can access real-time trading statistics.
The Edge score is also a core component of the AS model. Not only does it govern progression through the program, but it also assists traders in identifying strong and weak points with the goal to improve trading performance. Additionally, the multilingual customer service ensures all traders are supported throughout their trading journey empowering them to scale their trading and operate like seasoned professionals.
Is it time to switch to Axi Select?
The Axi Select offering really covers all basis and caters to all types of traders. Even if you are already trading at another broker, there really is no downside to joining AS due to the way they have set it up. Axi provisions traders with a real trading account while also allocating funds to a separate account that mirrors their trades at a multiplier. Thus, the trader can apply their usual trading strategies whilst trading their own account, as well as earning additional profits from the mirrored account. This is a feature no other broker currently provides.
Greg Rubin, Head of Axi Select, comments: “With Axi Select, every trader now has a choice; either keep trading with their current broker with limited funds, or switch to Axi Select to get the funding they deserve and the platform to grow and forge successful trading careers. The buzz from a community of over 20K Axi Select traders is clear evidence that our program works.”
Click https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V6KE4SAECrU&list=PLd10IG9ySzEyI136xNsI9yWDSLuGC4ZQY&index=18 to view testimonials from traders who have secured substantial capital funding by trading with Axi Select.
Switching to Axi Select is simple! Start by opening an Axi Select account https://www.axi.com/int/funded-trader-program to begin your amazing trading journey with Axi Select today!
Still got questions? Contact: mediaenquiries@axi.com
The Axi Select program is only available to clients of AxiTrader Limited. CFDs carry a high risk of investment loss. In our dealings with you, we will act as a principal counterparty to all of your positions. This content is not available to AU, NZ, EU and UK residents. For more information, refer to our Terms of Service.
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