JDE Peet's recognised for Diversity Excellence with 2025 Catalyst Award
Amsterdam, 12 December 2024
Company significantly boosts women in key leadership positions
JDE Peet's (EURONEXT: JDEP) is proud to have received the 2025 Catalyst Award, which recognises organisations that excel in advancing workplace inclusion and gender equity. This prestigious honour celebrates JDE Peet's'innovative approach to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DE&I), fostering a workplace where employees are empowered to thrive.
According to Catalyst, JDE Peet's'strategic approach, supported by innovative tools such as its DE&I Maturity Model and Activation Toolkit, has led to significant progress. This includes an increase from 25% to 36.4% in women's representation on the Executive Committee, from 37.2% to 41.5% on the Global Leadership team, and from 23.1% to 38.5% on the Board of Directors since 2021. The Maturity Model provides structured guidance for embedding DE&I practices at all levels, while the Activation Toolkit offers actionable resources, including case studies and best practices, to equip local teams to implement and sustain meaningful DE&I initiatives. The Catalyst Award highlights JDE Peet's'overarching mission to unleash the possibilities of coffee and tea for a better future.
"At JDE Peet's, we're creating a future that authentically serves, reflects, and embraces everyone,” said Rafa Oliveira, CEO of JDE Peet's. “Our commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion — guided by our value of Solidarity and belief in ‘standing together in our differences'— has fostered a workplace where everyone can bring their true selves to work. We are honoured to see our progress recognised by Catalyst, and it is a powerful reminder that while we celebrate milestones, our journey continues, and when we unleash our full potential, we succeed as a team."
Catalyst is a leading global nonprofit dedicated to building workplaces that work for women. Since 1962, Catalyst's preeminent thought leadership - including unparalleled workplace expertise and actionable research - has accelerated progress for women through workplace inclusion. The organisation is supported by 500 leading companies.
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Khaled Rabbani
+31 6 1588 0795
Investors & Analysts
Robin Jansen
+31 6 1594 4569
About JDE Peet's
JDE Peet's is the world's leading pure-play coffee and tea company, serving approximately 4,100 cups of coffee or tea per second. JDE Peet's unleashes the possibilities of coffee and tea in more than 100 markets, with a portfolio of over 50 brands including L'OR, Peet's, Jacobs, Senseo, Tassimo, Douwe Egberts, OldTown, Super, Pickwick and Moccona. In 2023, JDE Peet's generated total sales of EUR 8.2 billion and employed a global workforce of more than 21,000 employees. Read more about our journey towards a coffee and tea for every cup at www.jdepeets.com.
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