FAAM-EUROBAT 2024 Concludes with Groundbreaking Advances in Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Research
ATHENS, Greece, Dec. 12, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- FAAM-EUROBAT 2024, held from 21-23 November at the InterContinental Athenaeum Athens, brought over 550 attendees from over 25 countries to share the latest advancements in food allergy and anaphylaxis research.
The event featured impactful sessions, debates, workshops, and plenary discussions, highlighting new evidence and the importance of collaboration in tackling health challenges in food allergy and anaphylaxis.
A standout moment was the inaugural World Anaphylaxis Awareness Day on 21 November, created by EAACI to raise global awareness about the life-threatening condition. Introduced during the Opening Ceremony, this initiative set the tone for an inspiring meeting.
A key highlight was the plenary session where the new food allergy guidelines were presented. Tanya and Nadim Ednan-Laperouse, founders of The Natasha Allergy Research Foundation, delivered a moving testimonial sharing their personal story and advocacy efforts, including Natasha’s Law, which mandates clearer allergen labelling to protect food allergy sufferers.
The launch of the EAACI Food Allergy Guidelines marked a clinical milestone, offering comprehensive recommendations to improve patient outcomes. Workshops provided deeper insights into allergen immunotherapy and novel immune mechanisms to enhance treatment effectiveness.
Poster Sessions showcased cutting-edge research, highlighting innovative approaches and practical solutions to advance allergy and immunology care.
FAAM-EUROBAT 2024 provided an exceptional platform for knowledge exchange and networking, fostering collaborations among clinicians, researchers, and patient advocates.
Professor Alexandra Santos, Co-Chair of FAAM-EUROBAT 2024, said:
"This year’s EAACI FAAM-EUROBAT conference was a testament to the power of science and collaboration between clinicians, scientists and patients with lived experience. From launching the World Anaphylaxis Awareness Day to unveiling unpublished scientific evidence and launching the new clinical guidelines for managing IgE-mediated food allergy, FAAM-EUROBAT 2024 has set a benchmark in the fight against food allergy and anaphylaxis."
As the meeting concluded, participants left inspired and equipped with new knowledge to improve patient care. FAAM-EUROBAT 2024 celebrated scientific progress and reinforced the importance of global cooperation in addressing pressing health challenges in food allergy and anaphylaxis.
The European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology is the leading organisation for allergy and clinical immunology professionals. EAACI promotes excellence in clinical care, research, education, and allergy and clinical immunology training.
- https://eaaci.org
Organising Committee:
Isabel Skypala, Alberto Álvarez-Perea, Alexandra F. Santos, Nikos Papadoupoulos, Sophia Tsabouri, Liam O’Mahony, Bernadette Eberlein, André Moreira
+41 44 205 55 33
Photos accompanying this announcement are available at:
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