Smith+Nephew introduces CORIOGRAPH™ Pre-Op Planning and Modeling Services for Total Hip Arthroplasty
Latest expansion to the CORI◊ Surgical System portfolio provides a personalized solution for patients and surgeons
Smith+Nephew (LSE:SN, NYSE:SNN), the global medical technology company, today announces its CORIOGRAPH Pre-Op Planning and Modeling Services is now cleared for total hip arthroplasty (THA) by the United States Food and Drug Administration. Exclusively for users of the CORI Surgical System, this innovative planning software allows for use of either X-rays or CT scans for planning and modeling, enabling surgeons to make a patient-specific plan for the best possible outcome.
The first procedures using CORIOGRAPH Pre-Op Planning and Modeling Services for Hip with RI.HIP solutions were recently completed by Dr. George Haidukewych, Surgeon in Chief and Academic Chairman at Orlando Health Jewett Orthopedic Institute in Orlando, FL. He stated, “The plan was extremely accurate and provided an opportunity to trial different offsets and combinations prior to surgery. This was invaluable in saving time and optimizing component position and sizing. CT based templating with patient specific impingement modeling is clearly superior to traditional methods of digital templating. It allows for personalization of the surgery to the patient’s specific needs of activities of daily living.”

The CORI Surgical System offers proprietary tools and software across the full suite of procedure solutions to deliver a platform that is flexible and scalable across knee and hip joint arthroplasty indications. Built on 15+ years of clinical expertise and over 350,000 image-based hip and knee surgery plans, CORIOGRAPH Pre-Op Planning and Modeling Services for Hip is designed to optimize implant planning and personalization, including:
- Advanced modeling capabilities that utilize patient specific spinopelvic classification and pelvic tilt go beyond the mechanics of simple range-of-motion to simulate activities of daily living that help surgeons make decisions on optimal implant placement.
- Image-agnostic planning capabilities with 2D and/or 3D images to help personalize the end-to-end care specifically to the patient need.
- Can be used across the entire spectrum of Smith+Nephew hip implant solutions and technologies.
- CORIOGRAPH Pre-Op Planning and Modeling Services combined with RI.HIP solutions and the recently launched CATALYSTEM◊ Primary Hip System, offer a complete solution for primary total hip arthroplasty.
“With the addition of Hip pre-op planning to CORIOGRAPH services, we are now truly personalizing surgery for hip and knee for each patients’ specific needs,” said Craig Gaffin, President of Global Orthopaedics at Smith+Nephew. “I can speak as the business leader and a patient here, as my hip was the first one to be planned with CORIOGRAPH services for Hip. Through the planning process, my surgeon was able to tell what kind of activities I can expect to perform after the surgery based on simulated models of my hip bones.”
To learn more about CORIOGRAPH Pre-Op Planning and Modeling Services and the CORI Surgical System, please visit
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Dave Snyder +1 (978) 749-1440
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